Examples of wiki government?

Can anyone share some current examples that they like and see as effective of wiki government? Peer-to-Patent is always used as the example, but their website says they have closed the pilot. I could really use some examples to use during a talk this weekend. Help!

Wired Magazine’s Pirate Game; Good or Exploitation?

Amver received a Tweet from one of our followers about a new game Wired Magazine is promoting. It’s called Cutthroat Capitalism and, according to the site, “You are a pirate commander staked with $50,000 from local tribal leaders and other investors. Your job is to guide your pirate crew through raids in and around theRead… Read more »

Do You See Spiders? Making Government Data Truly Open

In addition to publishing downloadable data and open interfaces, government needs to learn from successful commercial websites and bring their “Deep Web” data to the surface. I have posted some thoughts on this on my personal blog: Do You See Spiders? Making Government Data Truly Open I’d appreciate feedback, either here or in my blogRead… Read more »

Software as a Service (draft) post

This is some documentation that I am doing for work. Software as a Service(SaaS) is using an outside resource to provide a Software Packages to the city so we do not need to build and maintain every application. History The city of Richmond has been doing this for sometime with web application. Although I doRead… Read more »

Overcoming obstacles in local govt use of Web 2.0

Seeking ideas concerning overcoming liability and time constraint issues in creating and moderating facebook for our city website. We are just beginning to discuss the possibility but are up against the difficulty in managing content and maintaining such a forum. Email ideas if you have suggestions or suggested reading / policies, etc. Thanks.