Article: DoD May Ban Twitter…

Considering the lively discussion on social media after the OGI conference, and DoD’s heavy involvement in using and promoting social media tools, I have to say this article was a real eye-opener. The left hand does not know what the right hand is doing becomes more and more apt for government when it comes toRead… Read more »

“Cash for Clunkers” Doesn’t Have to Be a Lemon

Over the weekend my father-in-law decided to take advantage of the Cash for Clunkers program and went car shopping. Unfortunately the Dodge dealer he went to in his home town of Paris, Illinois informed him that they had put the program on hold. Apparently they had sold five cars and had yet to be paidRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Personal Data Mishandled at Commerce Dept.

The names and Social Security numbers of at least 27,000 Commerce Department employees were exposed to a risk of identity theft following an inappropriate transfer of the personal information in mid-July, according to a letter sent to department employees last week. An employee with the National Finance Center mistakenly sent an Excel spreadsheet containing theRead… Read more »


Good morning! It’s your weekly Monday morning dose ofTSP Talk. This market commentary is updated daily on Stocks ended the day mixed on Friday as the S&P 500 and small caps closed relatively flat, but the I-fund picked up 1.6% as the dollar plummeted. The F-fund was up an impressive 0.6%. For the week,Read… Read more »

Voices for Economic Recovery launches to build a connection for collaboration

Originally posted on Bright Side of Government By Kristin Bockius, State & Local Government Social Media Marketing Manager Without question the biggest common denominator to effectively jumpstart our economy is working together. Everyone who is dedicating their time to achieve economic stimulus goals across any state, county or city needs to have the capacity toRead… Read more »

The Promise of Going Lean: It’s the latest, buzziest trend in government management. Just don’t call it a fad.

Ken Miller (author of “We Don’t Make Widgets” and monthly columnist for Governing Magazine) recently wrote an article discussing the impact of Lean in government. With budget constraints and travel restrictions across the board, times are tough for many federal, state and local government agencies. In these times, we need to focus more than everRead… Read more »

Template Twitter Strategy & Cloud Computing

Two of my colleagues posted some interesting links within Yammer for NIST staff. I thought the information might be helpful to others as well. Don Libes posted a link to Template Twitter Strategy for Government Departments from the UK. It is lacking any data on cost, but does have some good points. As an addendumRead… Read more »

GovTwit Week in Review: 7/26 – 8/01

Interesting Gov 2.0 tweets and stories from July 26 – August 1st, 2009 The week got off to a fun start when an alleged White House employee dubbing themselves the “realtweetthroat” contacted @GovFresh to blow the lid off of Twittergate, poking fun at the fact that the microblogging service was reported to be blocked atRead… Read more »

Feedback Survey for Participants in the Open Government Dialogue

A number of organizations in the field of public engagement (NCDD, IAP2, Everyday Democracy, AmericaSpeaks and others) are collaborating on evaluating the Open Government Dialogue and provide recommendations to the Obama administration. They put together this survey: It’s open to all participants and will be live through August 14. I’ve shared some additional thoughtsRead… Read more »