Top 49 “best” Park and Rec Municipal Websites (with Details and Scoring)

I am in a project to re-design a city website and as city websites age there is starting to a a common vocabulary that surfaces. Common missions also bring up common tasks and functions that a website would have to handle. This part of the study was for city Facilities that are open to theRead… Read more »

Real City Planning

Real city planning isn’t complicated. Real city planning doesn’t have to involve laws or regulations. Real city planning doesn’t need a degree or important people. Real city planning is you. You, your vision, your attitude for your community. The single greatest force in any community is the will of its people. Complacency, spirit de corps,Read… Read more »

Government 2.0 Policy Analysis Exercise

This post originally appeared in my blog Every year, second year Master of Public Policy students must complete a Policy Analysis Exercise (PAE) as a part of their degree. The project is an analytic and consultative professional product developed for a real-world client by Masters in Public Policy candidates under Harvard Kennedy School facultyRead… Read more »