Common Sense Is Not So Common

Twelve years ago I was working for a rapidly growing technology provider who was preparing for one of their most important client meetings to date. The deal alone – if secured – would crush their revenue goals, so preparedness was key and professionalism paramount. Keep in mind that we were a “fun startup” in theRead… Read more »

Give & Get at the Cyber Security Seminar

Don’t miss your chance to attend this intensive half-day seminar exploring the challenges of Information Assurance. This interactive forum allows you to engage with Boston military leaders and industry experts in dialogue about IA and its critical role in DOD operations. You will learn firsthand how war fighters on the cyber security frontline have employedRead… Read more »

What would you ask the CIO Council Architecture & Infrastructure Committee?

Submit your questions for the Post EA Town-Hall Meeting: Chief Architect’s Forum, held during the Enterprise Architecture Conference on September 9th! EA has a role to play in the forefront of nearly all key government initiatives – fixing the healthcare system, reversing the economic downturn, and improving education, just to name a few. As theRead… Read more »

Acquisition Workforce Reform Starts From Within

From The Acquisition Corner The Federal Acquisition Innovation and Reform (FAIR) Institute, a nonprofit focusing on federal contracting reform, earlier this month released a report on acquisition workforce development in conjunction with their Point of View series on federal contracting. The report, like their earlier work, is a common-sense approach to tackling difficult issues inRead… Read more »

Ask GovLoop – The Many Knowledge Management Definitions

Knowledge management has been around since the early 1990’s. There is still no direct definition of what Knowledge Management actually is. Here are a few explanations: Knowledge Management is a framework that can be used for learning, capturing, sharing and exploiting knowledge, experience and good practices. Knowledge Management is information or data management with theRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Postal Service Joins ‘High Risk’ List

The U.S. Postal Service today joins a list of troubled government agencies and programs, as auditors acknowledge that the nation’s rapidly declining mail volume has placed a large financial strain on the nation’s mail agency. The Government Accountability Office will add the Postal Service to its “high risk” list, according to Congressional sources, ahead ofRead… Read more »

Looking for Human Resources Practitioners to Connect on GovLoop and LinkedIn for future research….

I will be starting my PhD in Education this fall, with my discipline focusing on (Ok here goes, its long!) – Occupational Studies and Technology with a Focus on Training & Development in Human Resources. I’m going to Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA. I’m very excited about this third degree (I also have Bachelor’sRead… Read more »

GovLoop Microlending Statistics

For those of you who know me, I am a numbers guy. So I decided to look at the numbers of the GovLoop lending team (on the Kiva website)… * We have participated in 54 loans totaling almost $72,000 (GovLoopers lent $3,825 of that amount). * The largest total of loans went to Tanzania ($11,300)Read… Read more »