Preparing to Manage the Stimulus

In a recent survey completed by Government Executive Magazine’s research arm, the Government Business Council, data revealed that only 66% of government managers who were aware of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) anticipated meeting or exceeding the expectations of the funding program. At the same time, only 11% of respondents of the surveyRead… Read more »

Government Career Fair a Success!

The Washington Post used a picture of Department of Veterans Affairs representatives at the “Partnership for Public Service’s 2009 Career and Internship Fair” on July 16th in an article describing the success of the event. Full story:

Colombia Free Trade Agreement: Still Treading Water

Timing is everything, and I wonder how much more water the pending free trade agreement (FTA) between Colombia and the US must tread before its ratification by the US congress. And today’s political waters are shark-infested, indeed. Signed and ratified just before Thanksgiving 2006, as reported in Wall Street Journal, the FTA yet remains aRead… Read more »

Transforming Conflict: Replacing Blaming “You”s with Tactfully Assertive “I”s

During a Practice Safe Stress and Team Building workshop for legal assistants and support staff of a major law firm, a paralegal, with an edge in his voice, recalled a frustrating encounter with one of the firm’s partners. Apparently, misinformation or a misunderstanding led to a project being mishandled and an important deadline being missed.Read… Read more »

Recruiting a Chief of Staff (Physican) for VA San Diego ASF#09-126 The VA San Diego Healthcare System (VASDHS) provides a comprehensive array of healthcare services for approximately 60,000 veterans in San Diego and Imperial Counties with an operating budget of over $357 million and over 2,400 employees and more than 5,000 active staff, volunteers, trainees or contractors. VASDHS consists of one of VHA’s mostRead… Read more »