Racism: Alive and Well in Today’s Politics

The Huffington Post reports on comments made by RNC chairman Michael Steele: The Young Republicans convention was held in Indianapolis last weekend and their election of a racist, middle-aged woman as President isn’t the only controversial item to come out of the GOP gathering. Local Republican blog Hoosier Access was able to get RNC ChairmanRead… Read more »

Ask GovLoop – How Do You Define Leadership?

Welcome to the first installment of “Ask The Leadership Expert” on GovLoop. I am pleased to contribute to the GovLoop community! Leadership is a hot topic. A Google search on “leadership” yields around 150 million hits. On Amazon.com, a search of “leadership” under book titles produces around 27,000 results, and a keyword search of “leadership”Read… Read more »

Jana Gallatin – GovLoop’s Member of The Week

Jana, your passion for preserving and organizing historical records in Government is well known here on GovLoop. How did you come to first be interested in this mission? I’ve always been kind of a history fan and am interested in government policy. My first brush with records management was when I was a soldier assignedRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: More Storm Clouds for FAA-Weather Service Plan

The back-and-forth between the FAA and National Weather Service hit turbulence today, when a government expert suggested any changes in the way the two agencies work together will not fly unless they sort out several outstanding details. You’ll recall that the Weather Service submitted recommendations last month on how to change the FAA’s use ofRead… Read more »

Social Media Information

Hi All, I am trying to put together some information on Social Media. I was wondering if you could tell me what type of Social Media you are using, like Twitter and Flickr. I would like to know what you are using and how you are using it. How much time is it taking andRead… Read more »

Are Federal Acquisition Practices Accelerating the Move of Government Computing to the Cloud?

By Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. Jason Miller’s report Kundra says government’s approach to consolidation has been ill-suited includes this statement by Vivek Kundra, Federal Chief Information Officer: “I’ve talked to CIOs, buyers, business unit leaders across the government, and one of the biggest challenges is that if they want to provision services they have toRead… Read more »

Kicking off Gov 2.0 Club San Francisco!

From OpenSF – The Gov 2.0 movement celebrated two great milestones at 111 Minna in downtown San Francisco last night: the birth of Gov 2.0 Club San Francisco, and the one-year anniversary of GovLoop, the “Facebook for Government.” Around 100 people from local and federal government and private sector tech, innovation and social media backgroundsRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Congress Set to Focus More on Alaska Firms

The number of government contracts awarded to Alaska Native Corporations skyrocketed 1,386 percent between 2000 and 2008, according to a new federal audit, even though they account for only a small portion of companies participating in a Small Business Administration program designed for small, minority-owned businesses. The latest audit mirrors similar investigations by the SenateRead… Read more »