METRO – 06/22/09

Any opinions about a Federal takeover of the DC Metro system. So far, the problems have been delays due to brake issues, or tourists thinking they can keep the doors open by putting out their hands. But recently, its been derailments and crashes – today’s being the first I can recall in 30+ years thatRead… Read more »

The Public Sphere

Today’s Public Sphere 2 at Parliament House in Canberra has the potential to reset the whole frame for Government 2.0 in Australia. 30-odd inspiring and well-informed speakers with real experience both within and in helping the public sector really showed the potential for a more open and collaborative model for government in this country. ImageRead… Read more »

Clearing CMOS and Windex: The Cure-Alls for Life

In the movie “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”, the heroine’s father suggests that the ills of the world can be cured by “rubbing a little Windex on it”. Windex was his cure-all. Customers who call the Trenton support line might feel they are getting analogous type advise because inevitably, one of the first questions techRead… Read more »

Are you a government star?

Manor,Texas told their story of innovation to save money for the community on the Bright Side of Government blog. Manor is a small community of just over 5,000 people that has accomplished some amazing things with technology. Instead of financing the “standard” industry solutions, they have innovated many of our their own. Read more aboutRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 06.22.2009

Greetings! Today lots of tweet action around the privacy conference going on right now, and Australia appointing a Gov 2.0 Task Force. Cordially, Caroline @WiiPigSooie Blog WiiPigSooie greensandbox: New post on unbundling governance, with the right slidedeck url (! ) #gov20 #vcc09 #vanchangecamp (expand ) 6 minutes ago from TweetDeck • Reply • ViewRead… Read more »

A Practical Guide to Enterprise 2.0 (#e2conf) – 10 Principles for Success

We’re at the Enterprise 2.0 conference this week, and we’ve released a new guide to help organizations in the public and private sector make sense of social networking for the enterprise. Enterprise 2.0, despite the term, really encompasses all of the social networking and other Web 2.0 technology as it applies within the workplace. IfRead… Read more »

Poor Acquisition Outcomes Can Also Happen With The Government Acting As The Contractor

In light of all the focus recently on federal acquisition reform, one of the agencies with the most problems is the Department of Veterans Affairs. The VA is a case study on what the failed policies of the past in regards to workforce development have done to the present difficulties with completing the acquisition missionRead… Read more »

Quick Press Survey on Consumer Financial Protection Agency

PRO:,0,7630872.column,0,6203251.story INFO: Click here for a view from across the pond Quotes and such: While banks will lobby to water down the agency’s proposed powers in Congress, the devil will be in the details. One important question is how the agency would be financed. A spokesman for the Treasury toldRead… Read more »

Sharing the World Sisterhood III – Leadership Conference 2009 | Seeking Philanthropic Grantmakers | Seed | Grants-in-aid | Gift | Tax-deductible Contributions

From the Washington Business Examiner by Donna L. Quesinberry RE: FUTURE Sharing the World Sisterhood III – 2009 Leadership Conference FUTURE (Families United Toward Universal Respect) is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) that supports women in developing third world countries and teaches them a strong organizational model based on volunteerism that promotes self-reliance, networking and family unity.Read… Read more »

Culture Change for Government 2.0

The text and slides below are for my session at Public Sphere #2 – Government 2.0: Policy and Practice which is being held at Parliament House tomorrow. The talk is just 10 minutes long, so I don’t go into any real depth – but it is a nice, quick overview. For something organised quickly andRead… Read more »