Sweet GovTweets 06.20.09

Good afternoon! I hope y’all have enjoyed your Saturday so far. I participated in a neighborhood garage sale. I’m here to tell you that you can not GIVE away pre-flatscreen TVs. Well, not literally, when I put giant “FREE” signs on them they did disappeared …lol . Lots of tweets today, and very interesting onesRead… Read more »

Hot Topics in Security

I’m interesting in learning what everyone is talking about in this very broad field of “Security.” What are some of the hot topics people want to learn more about when it comes to security, IT or otherwise? I’m working on the 2009 Security Conference for 1105 Government Information Group and am extending an invitation toRead… Read more »


The world has its share of irresponsible people ranging from folks’ small annoying lapses to world leaders putting civilization in jeopardy. On a lesser scale than world collapse, but still very frustrating, is the example of the side swiping of our son Eddie’s car this week while it was parked in the George Mason UniversityRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 06.19.2009

Wonderful Friday! Today I added some posts from #OpenCode that I thought were interesting. Tonight: University of Arkansas v. LSU College World Series. Go Hogs! Image via Wikipedia Caroline @WiiPigSooie Blog WiiPigSooie alexwied: Just added myself to the http://wefollow.com twitter directory under: #opensource #oss #accenture 14 minutes ago from WeFollow • Reply • View TweetRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conf Tweets – Symantec Government Symposium (#symgovsym)

This conference was held June 16, 2009 in Washington, DC. Below are the Twitter-related statistics for the conference along with the stream: Top Contributors 1. @gkrew – 47 2. @dslunceford – 17 3. @lpamelaa – 17 4. @symantecnews – 8 5. @krazykriz – 7 6. @JMGOVIT – 7 7. @jjesse – 6 8. @wamurray –Read… Read more »

Records Managers are the Original Knowledge Managers

I had an interesting conversation with two very intelligent and motivated gentlemen yesterday morning to discuss the focus and purpose of DoD 5015.02-STD. That is a series of blog posts itself. Bumper Stickers At the end of the conversation, Mark mentioned that if we (Records Managers) can link into the current buzz over Knowledge Management,Read… Read more »

RT: “The Dark Side of Twittering”

To play the proverbial role of Devil’s Advocate, I wanted to share this recent Fast Company opinion piece on the “dark side” of Twittering. Now, I am a big believer in open communication and the potential power of social media. But this article reminds us that, theoretically, for every action, there is an equal andRead… Read more »