OMB: GSA Tech Solutions Are “Best in Class,” Driving Smarter Government Buying
How to be a better tech purchaser.
How to be a better tech purchaser.
In my last post, we explored the idea that tapping into one’s creative mind can become easier with practice. Practicing something is straightforward- if one knows what to do. But what if we aren’t in touch with our inner selves, and we don’t know what it means to be creative?
Is lying the new normal?
In a fiscally constrained environment, one of the first things managers cut is the training budget. This is counterproductive because it limits productivity and reduces Employee Engagement (E2). The Sasha Corporation estimated the average cost to hire and train a new employee is over $9,000. An effective training program can improve performance, productivity, and retention.
What you need to know about capabilities in the planning process.
Friend at work can be your sounding board when you need to vent, a beacon to help you reframe your negative thoughts, a cheerleader when you accomplish a goal, an ally when you need assistance, and a lifesaver when you really need one.
Keep your work mojo going even though summer is ending.
What you need to know about overcoming toxicity in the workplace.
What you need to know about the gig economy.
Federal agencies should implement two performance management processes: the traditional process mandated by OPM, which reviews the accomplishments and shortcomings of the past year as well as forward-looking assessment of competency benchmarks, to project readiness in current and future roles.