Social Networking: Can it really get you a job?

It seems that everyone is participating in some form of social networking these days. Whether it’s Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, or some other form of online networking if you’re not using it, you’re quickly becoming part of the minority. Social networking is great for a lot of things. Connecting with family and friends, sharing pictures,Read… Read more »

Public Housing Summit: A Conversation Between Scholars and Housing Directors Hosted at Rutgers University-Newark

General notes: At this one day conference there was a good mix of academics and practitioners. The discussions that took place were very helpful and informative to everyone. Beyond my expectations, the conference did not focus solely on Newark or New Jersey. This was really great, especially for someone like me who isn’t from NewRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Report: VA Facilities Improperly Sterilized Colonoscopy Equipment

An internal investigation out today finds that fewer than half of Veteran’s Affairs facilities selected for random inspections had properly sterilized medical equipment used to perform colonoscopies, despite orders to comply with safety guidelines. The Veterans Affairs inspector general report(pdf) follows revelations that VA hospitals in Florida, Georgia and Tennessee possibly exposed 10,320 veterans toRead… Read more »

More on Twitter and the events in Iran

Expanding on the points made by the head of BBC News, Richard Sambrook, about the issues with sorting through the outpouring of tweets from Iran, Kevin Drum writing for Mother Jones underlines some lessons about the way in which Twitter is best used at a moment like this. Firstly he actually quotes me, unwittingly: OneRead… Read more »

The government wants change. Will they bring in the right cultural experts to make it happen?

NOTE: This is my column from my Women’s Entrerepreneur column that I write for the DC Examiner. This and past columns can be found at Last week I attended an Excellence in Government breakfast at the National Press Club. The panel spoke on “Human Capital” and the future of civil service. Allow me toRead… Read more »

The Attention Deficit Recession

Let’s face it, we live in a world of divided attention. Whether talking on the phone while driving, checking email while on a conference call, or Tweeting during a live presentation, we are all guilty of an obsession with multitasking. And as a result of this behavior, we are completely destroying our pathetic little lives!Read… Read more »

Sweet Government Conference Tweets – Crisis Camp Day 2 & Beyond (#crisiscamp)

(All times are Pacific) June 14, 2009 12:49 am younghahn: #crisiscamp 3:27 am xpeditenetwork: Ready for day two of #crisiscamp. No disaster is too great for us (unless we run out of coffee) 5:27 am svenburg: @vladvino thanks Vlad! Camping day # 2 today. #crisiscamp 6:03 am kgfreeman: Running late to #crisiscamp, but because theRead… Read more »

Sweet Government Conference Tweets – Crisis Camp Day 1 (#crisiscamp)

Crisis Camp was held on June 13, 2009 and June 14, 2009 in Washington DC. Below is the Twitter stream related to this conference along with some stats of the #crisiscamp hashtag on Twitter. Related Tweets made on the few days following the conference are included because they have links to some great blog postsRead… Read more »