Putting Thoughtful 2.0 in Gov 2.0

Twitter @kpkfusion As evidenced by the National Dialogue, Recovery.gov, data.gov and the Open Dialogue, government is “ramping up” for a feverish pace of Gov 2.0 adoption. But as also evidenced by early experiences (and failures) with Gov 2.0, are we as government and as a country doing the right thing, making the best decisions –Read… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 06.14.09

Hello! Today’s tweet summary is very light. The hot topic seemed to be Crisis Camp, and @dlblack did a great job updating us. My favorite post was by @JackHolt “If you (fed agency) aren’t managing your social media and identity, someone else will.” And, if your agency is not, shoot me a note if youRead… Read more »

Twitter: let the last doubter now shut up

Cartoon by Nikahang Kosar First they came for the newspapers, like they always do. Then they went after the opposition’s leaders, like they always do. Then they shut down the TV, like they always do. Then they cut the telephone lines including the mobile networks. Then they slowed down the internet and tried to blockRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Blog Potomac Part 5 (final) (#blogpotomac)

12:00 pm matterhornpat: was fun to watch @netsolcares super bowl coup #blogpotomac 12:00 pm amandachapel: #BLOGPOTOMAC UPDATE via @AlbrightDC “Drinking in the afternoon. Quite the unconference. They even have Magic Hat.” (Ya can’t make this up.) 12:00 pm maggielmcg: @DeirdreReid I was supposed to go but mom guilt won out. I’m glad I went toRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Blog Potomac Part 4 (#blogpotomac)

10:45 am bRCGST: #blogpotomac trend? RIHANNA SEX TAPE released .. so sad http://xrl.us/beuvob 10:46 am clairethomey: #blogpotomac is starting up again after lunch and networking break. 10:46 am nathanbetz: RT @MktgJobsDC: …spammers jumping in on #blogpotomac. Check out this great article on real-time twitter spam. http://bit.ly/VCJyL 10:46 am sliqviq: @LYF108 getting a shot out atRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Blog Potomac Part 3 (#blogpotomac)

8:15 am johnrhopkins: @scottmonty You are the only Social Media person in a company of 200k, how do you make time to speak at #blogpotomac ? 8:15 am mammaloves: For social media to succeed, you need support from senior leadership. Not just check PR box. (paraphrase) @scottmonty #blogpotomac 8:15 am 4GreenPs: @scottmonty Social media atRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Blog Potomac Part 2 (#blogpotomac)

6:46 am nathanbetz: Usability idea for folks at #blogpotomac: if you RT, then DONT include the #blogpotomac hastag. Will really help the feed. 6:46 am sradick: Changed my avatar back to my face so peeps at #blogpotomac can identify me – should have done this earlier! Sorry everyone! 6:46 am creativeblogs: @digitalsista social media allowsRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Blog Potomac Part 1 (#blogpotomac)

BlogPotomac was a social media marketing event which took place June 12, 2009, in Falls Church, VA. This conference was trending on Twitter through a good portion of the day. Only the Tweets from the day of the conference are posted below. (The posts also had to be split into more than one blog postRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets -The 2009 Federal Workforce Policy Forum (#ingov)

All times are Pacific Time June 10, 2009 6:01 am InnoGOV: Federal Workforce Policy Forum is about to start in just a few minutes… follow along using hashtag #INGOV 6:12 am InnoGOV: going thru the room & introducing ourselves…lots of great HR ppl from various fed agencies! #INGOV 6:16 am InnoGOV: In one word, whatRead… Read more »