33 years

Tomorrow, my husband, Ed, and I will celebrate our 33rd wedding anniversary. In 1976, the Bicentennial celebration was in full swing, Jimmy Carter was elected president, and disco was not dead. Since I paid for my own wedding and I had just graduated from college (which I also paid for), our wedding was a moreRead… Read more »

Senior Executives Assn Conference Will Spotlight Innovation (June 30)

Innovation will be the highlight at the Senior Executives Association Professional Development League (SEA PDL) 2009 Annual Career Executive Leadership Conference to be held Tuesday, June 30, 2009, in Washington, D.C. Speakers will include: John Kao is the author of best-selling Innovation Nation and chairman of the Institute for Large Scale Innovation. Kao will discussRead… Read more »

Rush Limbaugh’s Commentary on the Imbalance of Compensation for Soldiers and Their Families

I never thought that I would find myself saying this, but Rush Limbaugh elucidates a crucial point in the commentary below. He discusses the gross disparities between compensation for our soldiers versus families of victims of the 9/11 attacks, as well as the congressmen and women who put them in harm’s way. This is aRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 06.11.09

Good Morning! The most popular RT today was “Army orders bases to stop blocking Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, etc.” It was RT’d about a billion times. (Statements without data are just opinions 😉 ) Caroline Vetmomof2: @brinex you should check out @govloop they had question about Amazon EC2? 9 minutes ago from web • Reply •Read… Read more »

Citizen Participation in government

Couldn’t say it any better than Ms. Noveck OSTP Blog OSTP == Office of Science & Technology Policy Enhancing Citizen Participation in Decision-Making Transparency, a concept we have discussed a lot in the Open Government Initiative, is a means to an end. One of the important roles that transparency plays is to facilitate public participationRead… Read more »

US Army Allows Social Media for Troops

A new article on Wired reveals the Army’s policy reversal concerning social media. Army Orders Bases to Stop Blocking Twitter, Facebook, Flickr Further information about how the Army is moving into the virtual world can be found on the offical website, here. I was somewhat surprised to see a military branch adopting social media/web 2.0Read… Read more »

How advertisers get it wrong with wikis

10 minute video – “How advertisers get it wrong with wikis,” by Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia,at http://digg.com/d1tJvZ, offers some good insights into getting better traction by rethinking management control of the environment for Web 2.

Federal Eye: Security at U.S. Embassy in Kabul Panned

Lawmakers grilled representatives of the State Department and a private security firm today on the details and administration of a contract to provide protective services at the U.S. embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, suggesting that the company’s deficiencies in the past two years may have placed the compound at risk of an attack. Deputy Assistant SecretaryRead… Read more »

Participation Camp – June 27th and 28th in New York City and Online

Participation Camp is a new and innovative unconference focused on the participatory component of open government. On June 27th and 28th, the weekend immediately preceding Personal Democracy Forum, we’ll take over NYU’s ITP building. http://participationcamp.org Some things we’re doing differently: – a virtual unconference running in parallel to the physical unconference – a conference-wide gameRead… Read more »