Around the District for April/May 2009 In this video released by the Coast Guard, highlights of Coast Guard stories and events encompassing the Pacific Northwest are presented. This Around the District episode covers April / May 2009 and includes the MSST 91101 GITMO deployment, cases caught on tape, Surfmans Check Award, Military Appreciation Night with the Mariners, chainsaw training, EarthRead… Read more »

who am I?

In case you’re wondering why I invited you to be friends here on GovLoop, it’s probably because you registered for the Gov 2.0 webinar that I recently did for NavigationArts. We are going to be posting some of the questions that we didn’t have time to address so we can all continue the discussion here!

Open Government Dialogue Approval Matrix

This post originally appeared in my blog We the Goverati I recently posted an idea on the Open Government Dialogue under the Public-Private Partnerships section on Creating Accountability for Non-Profit organizationsreceiving government funding. At this point my idea has a positive score of 20. I was pleased with the process, happy to have been ableRead… Read more »

FEI’s upcoming Open Enrollment Programs

Below is information on a selection of FEI’s upcoming open enrollment programs. For more information and to see the complete listing of classes, visit Building High Performing Organizations in the 21st Century This advanced program offering is based on three key assumptions: -You are an expert in your organization based on your years ofRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Zients Gives the Public Sector Some Love

Addressing concerns that he lacks familiarity with the public sector, President Obama’s nominee to serve as the nation’s first chief performance officer acknowledged today that his business background has not blessed him with all the solutions necessary to tweak government management and recruitment plans. “I very much recognize and appreciate that government is different fromRead… Read more »

If it Matters, Measure It (and share the metrics!)

This blog entry originally appeared at Reach The Public. One of my first mentors who ran a region of what was then called Ameritech (a baby bell in the midwest), had a saying, “If you value it, measure it.” The larger the organization, the more this holds true. In government, tracking results and sharing resultsRead… Read more »

Results of some brainstorming

I am involved in leading the project to redevelop which is the city government site. And one of the biggest problem that we noted when looking at the current site is that why is this or that, piece of code in this or that location. We noticed that no one that designed the siteRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Tweets 06.09.09 – 06.10.09

I am back again, this time re-incarnated as Sweet Gov Tweets. To catch up, I am posting two days worth of tweets, so this post is a little long. Before I took all of the RT’s out, it was War and Peace Cordially, Caroline (aka @WiiPigSooie) justinbangs: #Gov20 in Action! Stakeholder comment processes on #publichealthRead… Read more »