Collaborating for successful DoD 5015-STD compliance tests

We are very flexible in supporting vendors’ methods for collaborating and coordinating a successful compliance test. Usually this is via email with massive CC lists or worse, everything is filtered through one person. Lately, I am finding that vendor wikis are a very good collaboration tool. When we can contribute on their wiki, email isRead… Read more »

DoD 5015.02-STD Evolution

As we go through the experiences of collaborating to allow successful compliance testing of a vendor’s product, we also gather information that is used to determine what should be included as the standard evolves. Our goal is to not make RM a stand-alone niche or to stand passively by while technology roars ahead. We wantRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Speed Bumps for Govt’s Hybrid Vehicle Buys?

The General Services Administration this week ordered roughly 14,100 fuel-efficient vehicles from the (big?) three U.S. automakers, spending $210 million in economic stimulus funds to replace aging gas-guzzlers. That’s in addition to an April order for more than 3,000 hybrids, or vehicles that use a combination of gasoline and electric batteries. Before all those carsRead… Read more »

Why Records and Who Cares?

I just read a tweet that pointed to a blog post that sent me sort of sideways… @parapadakis: Is it a record? Who cares? #ECM #edrms #compliance I’ve had a chance to think a little more about this and realize that @parapadakis is trying to start a discussion and not a fight 😀 PleaseRead… Read more »

Project of the Week – NAPA’s The Collaboration Project

The National Academy for Public Administration (NAPA), established in 1967 and chartered by Congress, is a non-profit independent coalition of public and private sector leaders who “tackle the nation’s most critical and complex challenges”. The Academy does this through its expansive network of Fellows, Shared Interest Groups, Research, Project Panels, Standing Panels and Consortia, CentersRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Contracting Abuse at U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan?

A Senate panel will hold a hearing tomorrow to review allegations of contracting abuse by a firm hired in 2007 to provide security at the U.S. embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan. Lawmakers are expected to focus on several concerns, including the contractor’s ability to provide proper security and the possibility that contracting employees violated human traffickingRead… Read more »

Who I see struggling at work today

Although everyone is being challenged to some degree in today’s economy, I have noticed that some people are struggling more than others. Here are the folks, in particular, that I see struggling … The unconnected I’m not talking about online social networks and such. I’m talking about folks who have not spent the time orRead… Read more »

Top 10 Proposal Mistakes – and How to Avoid Them Teleseminar

As I am spending time at the beautiful Wild Horse Pass Resort and Spa in Arizona, getting inspiration and ideas from the international Association of Proposal Management Professionals (APMP) conference, I got the idea for my next complimentary webinar – “Top 10 Proposal Mistakes – and How to Avoid Them.” The title is self-explanatory –Read… Read more »

Studying Government 2.0?

Interested in how students of public policy can shape their experience and become fluent in Government 2.0? Check out new blog post at wethegoverati blog: Most importantly, please comment and let us know what we are missing or should think about when shaping our time as Master of Public Policy students! Best, Yasmin… Read more »

Urban Renewal

My wife Kathy is a great arbiter of architectural tastes. She constantly laments why is it that when they tear down old buildings they always replace them with uglier ones? There was a particularly hideous building near K Street and Vermont Avenue in DC that looked like a stack of concrete chicken wire. Oddly, itRead… Read more »