A great seminar for those in the Boston area!

Defense Systems Magazine is putting together the annual Defense Systems Seminar Series in the Boston Area. It’s a FREE seminar for Government and Military Attendees. Don’t miss your chance to attend this intensive half-day seminar. Explore the challenges of Information Assurance in an interactive forum. You will learn to: Engage with peers and expert facultyRead… Read more »

10 Ways to Enhance Your Online Media Center

by Rick Alcantara 1. List day and night media contacts 2. Include maps of your community 3. Include links to your codebook, council minutes, budget reports, and tax figures 4. Include links to bios of key personnel (e.g., mayor, council members) 5. Post media releases grouped in reverse chronological order 6. Archive editions of yourRead… Read more »

How to design for .gov

Like this … Sample Twitter reaction ‘IT ROCKS!’ I am reminded of the Mac o/s interface though :] (which, woods’n’trees, apparently hadn’t crossed their minds). Immediately appealing, the just redesigned utah.gov site has very strong usability – this was the central aim of the redesign. Behind the scenes it makes use of – I thinkRead… Read more »

TODAY!!! Webinar: Measurement Needs for Advanced Biofuels 1PM

Time: 1:00 PM (ET) Free Registration Here The USMS Office will hold a webinar TODAY as part of an ongoing effort to help ensure that measurement technologies keep pace with and support important technological innovations in the energy arena. Topics will include a brief overview of the USMS, results of the Biomass Sector Specific Assessment,Read… Read more »

Jake Tapper

Wow, we here at Blogtalkradio were very excited to see on Media Bistro’s schedule today Jake Tapper, White House Correspondent. he just got back from covering Obama’s trip oversea’s. The show starts in just a few minutes so tune in, call in, and join us in the chat room. http://budurl.com/MediaB6

Interesting interview with IT exec

Check out Federal Government IT’s interview with Alan Balutis, an IT exec with 27 years of experience in government. You will get his view on what government needs to do to embrace 2.0 and deal with other pressing cybersecurity issues. Just go to www.fiercegovernmentit.com for an interesting interview.

Social media strategy in a nutshell: Mission! Tool! Metrics! Teach!

For a few months now, I’ve been repeating this mantra about how to approach social media projects: mission, tool, metrics, teach. It was even one of the options for the day 1 camp song at Gov’t 2.0 Camp. It came to me while walking home from the Metro one day. I was trying to comeRead… Read more »

Please Add Your Voice to the OpenGov Discussion

UPDATE: June 8, 2009 — – flooding the OpenGov website… As OpenGov moves out of the safe area of discussions within groups of us (that basically agree with each other) and into the harsh light of the more public forum, the road ahead gets strewn with rocks, roadblocks and attempts to divert attention away fromRead… Read more »