More Open Gov’t: Help Improve

Last week, I blogged about 4 major new developments in open government. Next up is an effort to engage the public in improving, which is where people can comment online about proposed regulations, read related materials, and generally get involved in helping set policy. The feedback effort is called Exchange. Here’s the noteRead… Read more »

Free Seminar for Government Employees in the San Diego Bay Area!

Defense System Seminar Series – Information Assurance and Cyber Security Seminar Tuesday, June 23, 2009 Embassy Suites San Diego Bay Don’t miss your chance to attend this intensive half-day seminar. Explore the challenges of Information Assurance in an interactive forum. Engage with your local San Diego military leaders and industry experts in dialogue about IARead… Read more »

Research, case studies sought on transparency issues

I earlier posted a list of fundamental questions and dilemmas (which I recently updated) to the GovLoop forum: Update: I put the questions on the GovLoop wiki under the name “Questions concerning government participation.” I’ve been asked to flesh this out with research and case studies. Can members of this network suggest things toRead… Read more »

Ready to ride the Wave?

What will Google think of next? First Chrome debuts (complete with full comic storyboard detailing the web browser’s origins), and now bits + pieces about the company’s “Wave” project appear in various news sources. Hyped as a new means to communicate and collaborate on the web, Google bills its pending tool as: “…equal parts conversationRead… Read more »

Is Social Software the Answer to Government Onboarding & Offboarding?

It may be hard to believe, but in some Government departments, the rate of attrition will reach 50% over the next five years (direct quote from a Government HR professional). While this retiring group will do well to bring down Government deficit loads, it requires agencies to imagine how to more effectively onboard with allRead… Read more »

Ask The Design State

I’ve hesitated to post this here the last few days because it smacks too much of self-promotion. (If you agree, let me know, so I’ll have a firmer idea of where the line is here at GovLoop) I decided to post it anyway, because I hope it might be helpful to some of y’all. IRead… Read more »

By Way Of Hello

I’m a 52yo disability pensioner in WA, and I am keenly aware of certain issues that are bedevilling Australia at the moment, and doing my bit where I can to alleviate that. (Zencookbook Blog is a good place to start for that.) I think the best way to let people know what I’m about isRead… Read more »