Sweet GovTweets 06.12.09

Good afternoon! This is a little late today, we have been having storms. Well, truth be told, the storms had nothing to do with it 😉 Again today, the most RT’d post was “Army told not to block Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, etc.” Remember when soldiers played pool? My favorite tweet today was from @noneck: ah,Read… Read more »

When technology goes wild

What happens when technology conversions or implementations go wild? You get social patterns in your organization that look like cross-talk, territorial disputes, fear of technology, open and subtle resistance, running faster and harder (but going nowhere), wasted energy and resources. Over the years I’ve observed executives and senior leaders get so excited about adopting aRead… Read more »


Welcome and thank you for checking out the DAC blog. We have started this blog to provide a window into the work that we are doing at Decisive Analytics Corporation. While we do many things at DAC, the content of this blog will come from those of us inside DAC that are developing cutting edgeRead… Read more »

Even the ‘smartest guys in the room’ are easily fooled…

I enojoyed reading this blog posting – all of the complicated, involved CDS transactions and setups were intended to reduce, or even remove, risk from loss on the underlying asset. Well, the smart guys who thought them up got caught using them on a bet against subprime performing and were schooled by others. Unfortunately, itRead… Read more »

CrisisCamp Washington, DC June 12-14 at The World Bank and The George Washington University’s Institute for Politics Democracy & the Internet @ George Washington University

CrisisCamp Washington, DC crisiscamp.org is part of a global movement bringing together volunteers, academia, non-profits, companies and government officials to share best practices and lessons learned to advocate for further use of technology and telecommunications to assist citizens and communities during crisis. CrisisCamp DC will take place June 12, 2009 to June 14, 2009 atRead… Read more »

Heralding “Crisis Management 2.0” at CrisisCamp DC May Lead to Actual Crisis

According to ever accurate Wikipedia, Crisis Management is: “…the process by which an organization deals with any major unpredictable event that threatens to harm the organization, its stakeholders, or the general public. Three elements are common to most definitions of crisis: (a) a threat to the organization, (b) the element of surprise, and (c) aRead… Read more »

Twitter set to introduce “verified” accounts this summer…what a relief!… or is it?

This summer, Twitter is apparently planning to introduce “verified” accounts for celebrities, public officials, government agencies “and other well known individuals at risk of impersonation.” At first blush, this sounds like a good move: it will put many public affairs shops at ease and will level the playing field for agencies coming late to theRead… Read more »