Three Collaboration Tools Everyone Should Know

Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, Flickr, IM: do these sound like foreign words? In the face of new social media and collaboration, getting in touch over the Internet has never been more complicated. With so many of these whiz-bang technologies out there, it can be especially frustrating to figure out which ones are worth learning about andRead… Read more »

VistA makes another toehold in the outside world

Some of you already know that VistA adoption has spawned several companies using the open source business model – i.e. take a free product and make money by offering installation, customization and support for the base product. One such player is MedSphere, offering VistA support services. There is another instance of a significant VistA adoptionRead… Read more »

IBM Federal Ready to Protect NASA, NOAA, DOE, USCG, HUD Against New SQL Injection Hacking Attacks

12, March 2009 15:32 EDT — The Web Hacking Incidents Database (WHID) has reported that over 500,000 websites were hacked by a new form of SQL Injection in 2008. The hacking incidents resulted in 19% theft of sensitive data. Government, security, and law enforcement organizations represented the biggest sector suffering from these attacks (32 percent).Read… Read more »

Free National Emergency Alert System

Well, we really don’t have a unified national alert system that is able to alert the population, first responders, law enforcement, etc, in case of natural or man made dissasters. So what did I do about this? Well, I got together with a group of homeland security and IT security professionals and designed a systemRead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” – Fri 1 May, 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance. Here are a few tweets from the tweet stream (have not clicked on any of the links) @Nextgov RT White House launches official twitter feed: @whitehouse #gov20 #obama @levyj413 EPA has launched a new mapping app called My Environment. Check it out #gov20 @ariherzog: Snapshot in Twitter Time: HereRead… Read more »

Collaboration Squared (Collaborating about Collaborating)

Last month I setup a wiki, using Wetpaint, to introduce my students to Web 2.0 tools. In thinking of a name, I came up with Collaboration Squared as I was asking them to “collaborate about collaborating.” It seems to me we could use some of the same, unless it’s happening somewhere on GovLoop and I’veRead… Read more »