Initiating Foreign Assistance Reform Act of 2009
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What are the deeper impacts of Social Media? Of course like most folks I see it for face value…the connectivity it invites and relationship structure from a personal and even business perspective. However, Last week I attended a webinar hosted by the Bethesda chapter of YAFCEA were Andrew Wilson from the DHHS Center for NewRead… Read more »
John Sporing: Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts formerly at the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) I’m starting to like having themes for my interviews. Last time, it was sunshine, and what better way to personify sunshine than with an interview w/ Anita Arile….if only I had interviewed her in her beloved island ofRead… Read more »
GovLoop members might be interested in two upcoming Washington events put on by O’Reilly, a company known for our computer/Internet publishing. One is a showcase this coming September, and the other is a conference we’re planning in 2010: If you have an interesting project that demonstrates an unusual and successful way to make anRead… Read more »
Wayman Tisdale lost a two-year battle yesterday with colon cancer. He was universally loved by everyone. And I mean everyone… even rival coaches. Billy Tubbs recruited Tisdale to Oklahoma… Tisdale was the kid everyone wanted. He was Blake Griffin way before Blake Griffin. He was only 44 years old and had transitioned to his secondRead… Read more »
How did the reputation of the voting machines go from perfect solution to conspiracy theory? This is a story that needs to be told so that we can understand all the elements of this public relations disaster. I want to write a book about the public relations of the voting machine controversy and I amRead… Read more »
This is my first post within this space and I need help. I just received a new task to develop a Web 2.0 strategy for the FAA. Has anyone in any agency gone down this road before? I’m looking for trail blazers who are willing to share their experience. I would like to attack thisRead… Read more »
There is a system on the Web that works as a kind of Wiki, for content in open vocabulary, executable English. English text (like this sentence) is normally something for a person to read, but it cannot be used as a program that you can run on a computer. On the other hand, executable EnglishRead… Read more »
Check out this recent WAPO article: (you might need to create a free profile- sorry!) Invasive species posed real, dynamic threats to a variety of threatened and endangered environments; solutions to these problems are elusive and often occur at the intersection of science, society, and economics. Opinions welcome!
Motorola uses a prediction market to gather new ideas from employees and predict their success based on how willing individuals are to buy “stock” in them. They launched a system called ThinkTank in 2003 to collect potential innovations. Employees are given $100K in virtual dollars to vote on ideas at $10 per share. Perhap governmentRead… Read more »