Digital etiquette – are government agencies adequately prepared to engage appropriately online?

Republished from eGovAU. Etiquette is important in every form of social engagement. When Australians meet others for the first time we exchange names, shake hands and make light conversation before getting down to the main topic of conversation. Other cultures have different social etiquette. Many hug or kiss cheeks on first meeting, exchange business cardsRead… Read more »

A chance to bring our Web 2.0 to those outside of IT

It has been a productive week for the team working on our Web 2.0 initiative. We launched our first project based SharePoint site, five departments are involved. People included in this team are the Director of Finance and the Director of Human Resources among others. We also got our Facebook page rolling. We need toRead… Read more »

AABPA Conference Tweets

The American Association for Budget and Program Analysis held its spring 2009 symposium today – who knew budget could be so interesting? For a window into some sessions, search Twitter using kwooleyy #aabpa. Michele Heffner, OpenGov, described the lively conversations about Transparency, Participation, and Collaboration that took place on the MAX Federal Community a fewRead… Read more »

Webinar: Measurement Needs for Solar Energy 4/21/09

The US Measurement System Office is hosting a webinar: Alternative Energy Webinar Measurement and Standards Needs for Solar Energy Technologies Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 Time: 1:00 PM (ET) Length: 90 Minutes Cost: Free Agenda Introduction to the Webinar & Measurement Knowledge Hub Objectives for Today Summary of Solar Energy Measurement Needs Methodology Sources MajorRead… Read more »

Up, Up, and Away! Five Tips for Launching an Internal Network

So, you’ve been searching high and low for a way to jazz up your office’s internal communications and collaboration, and now you’ve heard that GSA negotiated a terms-of-service agreement with Facebook for federal agencies. Your agency is on board, too? You even got the go-ahead from your boss?! These are definitely exciting times. Let theRead… Read more »

Federal Managers View on Transparency

A study came out yesterday on how federal managers view Obama’s transparency initiatives and what they see as the main challenges in implementing his vision. The study, conducted by Government Business Council, found that while most managers support more transparency, they also agree that existing agency practices and IT infrastructures are inadequate to implement theseRead… Read more »

Does city living trim greenhouse gas emissions?

A recent study says that it does. The authors of this study, published in The Journal of Urban Planning and Development, quantified the emissions from building materials and construction, home heating and power demands, and transportation energy, in both urban suburban neighborhoods in the Toronto metro area. And they found that downtown residents use radicallyRead… Read more »

My introduction to Gov Loop

Hey Guys, My name is Ben Berkowitz and I am co-founder and CEO of We think we have created a tool that can revolutionize local governance through transparency and accountability while increasing citizen participation and pride in maintaining the public space. SeeClickFix allows for anyone to document and report non-emergency issues such as potholes,Read… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” Wed 16th April, 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance: @svenburg: Ask Secretary Clinton questions Digital Town Hall on April 17. #gov20 #opengov @maherltd: Bookmark & Share: #gov20boot camp presentations from today are on the conference website #gov20 RT @krazykriz … @artemgoncharuk: Politicians, prepare yourselves. Lobbyists, look out. #gov20camp #gov20 #opengov @noeldickover: Definition of Transparency: making infomationRead… Read more »

Stimulus Projects – Advantage, GSA Schedule Holders

Stimulus Projects – Advantage, GSA Schedule Holders Selling to the government can be a lucrative long term investment. A company who has done their homework and understands the process and time frames, obstacles, paperwork and financial investment involved will be successful. Government sales should be evaluated to in the same way you would evaluate sellingRead… Read more »