The Price of Civilization?

Taxes play a large role in our national political dialogue. Yesterday’s “tea bag” parties got me thinking about our for-them-or-against-them ideology. I’d like to hear your thoughts on this too, so read on, no matter which side of this issue you’re on! Time and again I hear “Why should I pay taxes?” or “Why shouldRead… Read more »

The Accidental Following

I’m astounded at the number of people following me on Twitter, where I’m @levyj413. Truly. The count is currently at 3293. I’ve seen three large jumps in that number because of a few specific events, and I like giving credit where it’s due, so here they are: Quite randomly, I called into an NPR showRead… Read more »

A “Network Perspective”

“Build Community!” “Social Media” “Twitter!” “Facebook” – the battle cries of a new generation in business, government and media. But what do these demands mean? What practical impact do they have? Intuitively, we know that many people together are stronger than few people acting alone. Yet, in most walks of life we live in aRead… Read more »

Why Government should engage their community online

Republished from eGovAU. Crispin has published a post, Why (Government) Organisations Should be Engaging their Community Online, over at his Online Community Engagement blog providing eleven reasons why government should be engaging its community online. This is a nice piece and I thought I might add a few more that spring to my mind. GlobalRead… Read more »

Open Government on the Internet

The LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin and the LBJ Presidential Library and Museum are hosting a free conference on Open Government and the Internet. Featured speakers include: White House CIO, Vivek Kundra; Sunlight Foundation Director, Ellen Miller; and Former Senator Bill Bradly. For more information, please see theRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Napolitano Comments on ‘Right Wing Extremist’ Report

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano responded today to widespread criticism of a leaked domestic intelligence report that warns local law enforcement agencies to be on guard for right-wing extremist groups seeking new recruits amid the nation’s economic troubles. “Let me be very clear: we monitor the risks of violent extremism taking root here in theRead… Read more »

On April 15th, think of TurboTax as model for local government’s reports (& federal reporting in general

This ran yesterday in TechPresident. Since then I’ve gotten a number of favorable responses, including several that suggested the government should actually consider having Intuit design the site. As I thought more about it, it seems to me that this approach — of a process in which muncipalities and states wouldn’t have to make anyRead… Read more »

Part 2 of 3- Twitterrific! The Most Useful Web 2.0 Apps/Tools For Twitter

If you are trying to implement twitter in your business or government social networking efforts, these apps and tools may “expand your horizons” for better use. Second twenty for review: 21. Mr. Tweet: is a personal networking agent who helps expand a network easily by recommending you to relevant followers, helping you discover people relevantRead… Read more »

SSA’s Free Teleconference on Hiring the Disabled

The Social Security Administration recently received funding to hire a signficant number of employees throughout the country. This hiring initiative offers a unique opportunity for individuals with disabilities who may want to get a job with SSA. SSA will be hosting a national teleconference on this issue specifically for Employment Networks, State Vocational Rehabilitation StaffRead… Read more »

Every Day For Everybody

You may (or may not) be aware that Earth Day is Wednesday, April 22. But, did you know that it has been around since 1970? Here’s a little more history on it: The premise: All people have the right to a healthy, sustainable environment The mission: Broaden and diversify the environmental movement worldwide The pursuit:Read… Read more »