The Official White House Twitter Has Been Launched!

The Whitehouse has official taken the plunge into microblogging and launched their official twitter account @whitehouse today. Another milestone in government 2.0 and social media has been reached. The Official White House Twitter URL: The account was set up and first tweet posted about 2 hours ago putting the time of official release atRead… Read more »

Federal Eye Gold Star: Dr. Richard Besser

This week’s “attaboy” goes to Dr. Richard Besser, the acting director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who stands as the best example to date of the capabilities and professionalism of the nation’s career federal employees. As we reported earlier this week, President Obama has filled only five of 20 nominated positions atRead… Read more »

Transparency and Social Enablement

Whew… Just published my first idea on the Here’s a teaser. Social Enablement consists of architecting, developing, and ultimately using a network of transparency services along with developing the social context within government to encourage its maximum utilization. Social Enablement as a strategic element assures that transparency gains sufficient reach and capacity to beRead… Read more »

Important Report on Latest Trends in Federal Proposal Management

There are trends and drivers in government proposals that companies need to know about to acquire and maintain a winning edge. People have to either keep up with the trends in the fast-changing government contracting market, or get out of the game altogether because their chances of winning go down exponentially. I put together aRead… Read more »

Pretty proud of myself

OK, this doesn’t have anything to do with government work or Gov 2.0 or my other favorite topics, but I’m pretty proud of myself. I rode my bike in to work today for the first time this season. Don’t be too impressed, it’s less than 5 miles from my house to the Civic Center accordingRead… Read more »

Virtual Proposal Secrets (Winning Government Proposals in a Virtual Team Environment)

I just wrote a 9-page article based on my interview with Ben Rowland, a Washington, DC virtual proposals expert, that I would like to share with you. This detailed article discusses the common challenges and provides tips, tricks, resources, and tools for managing virtual proposals. Virtual Proposals Secrets: Interview with Ben Rowland By Olessia Smotrova-TaylorRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: DHS Issues ‘Interim’ Swine Flu Guidelines

The Department of Homeland Security has issued new interim guidelines to employees who may come in contact with travelers who have contracted swine flu. The instructions follow requests that DHS allow workers to wear protective masks made by the union that represents Customs and Border Protection and Transportation Security Administration employees . A memo obtainedRead… Read more »

Dog years and the internet

Dogs age seven years for every year we age. It is estimated that the Internet evolves every month with new applications. How are you communicating differently with your clients today than you were a month ago? How will you communicate a month from now?

Government Fact for the Day

Random Government Fact for the Day: The Library of Congress receives 22,000 items each working day; approximately 10,000 items are added to the collections daily.