New ways to fight swine flu

It’s a good thing that social media is up and operating around the world because it is the best way to get the word out about swine flu. The federal government is jumping into action, using social media to get the word out and regular updates on their web pages to make sure the publicRead… Read more »

The Run for the Roses

This coming weekend marks the 135th running of the Kentucky Derby. My husband, Ed, and I have been following this famous race off and on for the past few years, sometimes watching at home and sometimes watching on the big screen televisions in a bar at Ocean City. Last year’s race was both dramatic andRead… Read more »

Applying Health 2.0 Lessons to the Constituent/Representative Relationship

Provisions in the The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the economic stimulus package signed by President Obama Feb. 17, include 19.2 billion dollars in incentive funds for physicians to abandon piecemeal paper-based health records for an electronic systems that will allow for greater efficiency and more indepth data collection for the diagnosis andRead… Read more »

FLAT Government: does Gov 2.0, eGovernment, promote FLAT Government Operations?

In the Age of Enlightenment & quickly towards the Age of World Peace as Attainable, where we encourage Transparency, Accountability & provide specifications to & for THIN Consultants & Contractors mindful of Taxpayer expectations, does Gov 2.0 & eGovernment promote FLAT Government Operations? Where is Value added to Gov 2.0 in Community Participation? Is anRead… Read more »

Demotech Finds Losses in 2008 Worst Ever for Title Insurance Industry

The 2008 financial results for the Title insurance industry were less than stellar. In fact, it was the worst year ever recorded in the history of “Demotech Performance of Title Insurance Companies.” See: I can point to several reasons for this, but the one that comes to mind first is the same one inRead… Read more »

NASA Culture (2 of 2)

(originally posted at The first time I ever thought of culture, I did so kicking and screaming. It was World Cultures class in ninth grade. Everyone had to take it. I didn’t know why I needed to take any kind of culture or history class at the time. My eyes were on the future,Read… Read more »


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