Time Sinks

I’ve set a goal this week to identify my personal, and the office’s general, time sinks. Where time is frittered away and the returns are not worth it. I already have a few in mind for each category. It will be interesting to see what the results are at the end of the week.

GovLoop Member of the Week: Vanessa Casavant, Communications Writer – Evans School of Public Affairs, University of Washington

Thanks so much to Vanessa Casavant for agreeing to be the member of the week this week! How did you get involved in journalism and public affairs? I was actually a really disengaged citizen living in NYC at the age of 21 and pursuing an acting career. I had a temp position in downtown ManhattanRead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” Sat 11 April 2009 edition

Apologies for erros in advance. @adrielhampton: @EllnMllr Who’s actually making the TARP decisions? Curious. So was Sunlight. http://bit.ly/3ryU15 #opengov #gov20 @ariherzog: Wow! Look at the boring http://house.gov and http://senate.gov | Then be stunned at the redesigned and pretty http://parliament.uk #gov20 @adrielhampton: “SF City Attorney Joins Twitter” http://bit.ly/PgRJC #gov20 @governingpeople; 10 British city councils were awardedRead… Read more »

SF City Attorney Joins Twitter

from LocalGov20.com – The San Francisco City Attorney’s Office on Friday soft launched an official Twitter account for City Attorney Dennis Herrera. The policy development behind the launch is an example of Government 2.0 collaboration in action. I assisted in the effort, researching and discussing social-media-for-governance pitfalls and promise with media, outreach and IT strategistsRead… Read more »

New Forms of KM

I have a set of links to what I call new forms of Knowledge Management, available via a “web tour”, starting at: http://www.agglom.com/webslideshow/1873/New_forms_of_KM. (NOTE: Just use the arrow keys at the top of the page to move from link to link.) Some of the links are technologies, some approaches to managing KM, etc. I alsoRead… Read more »

Is it Star Wars? No it’s Govloop’s Bureaucrat on Sports Covering the Frozen Four… plus, who’s Tweeting Away!!

You can still rock in America with the Hokie Guru!! Here here they come!! Yep, it’s the Frozen Four, the NCAA Division I Men’s Ice Hockey Semifinals and Finals… right here in Washington, DC at the Phone Booth (Verizon Center) … Star Wars style… our four contestants… the Bemidji State University Beavers (R2D2), Miami UniversityRead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” Fri 10 April, 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance; @govloop: Follow gov news on twitter @govdigest – 3 stories every half hour from the best sources #opengov #gov20 #govloop @g2tt: “What is meant by open government?” see this interesting post on topic: http://bit.ly/2g4BGR #mesh09 #gov20 #opengov (@changecamp) @jelosta: “Smarter Government” #gov20 #opengov profile of Federal CIO Vivek Kundra andRead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” Thurs 9 April, 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance: @daveharrity: reading the first Transparency & Open Government newsletter with benchmarks for gov 2.0 http://bitly.com/2LYfxd #opengov #gov20 #government @wubbahed: – rolling out a new site to try and measure Digital Transparency – http://digitaltransparency.appspot.com/ #gov20 @danielrose: RT @remarkk: @danielrose and I uploaded the content from our #opengov workshop at #mesh09: http://wiki.changecamp.ca/OpenGovernmentWorkshopRead… Read more »