Calling Out a Couple of Gov 2.0 Social Media Rockstars

from – I’ve been doing a lot of research over the past several months about social media for governance. In that time, I’ve seen many efforts to reform government communications – some mediocre, some good, and some great. Using the wide-open Web in a government setting is a scary proposition for most, with theRead… Read more »

Hanging Out Day

No silly, I’m not talking about playing hooky from school or work! I’m referring to Project Laundry List’s efforts on April 19th to educate communities about energy consumption, “Right to Dry” legislation, and most importantly, how to save money and energy by utilizing a clothesline. So what exactly happens on Hanging Out Day is thatRead… Read more »


The Internet is infected and U.S. citizens are paying a steep price by having their identities stolen and bank accounts raided by international hackers on a regular basis. We are calling for more action from the U.S. government to help industry fight the battle and stop those who are wreaking havoc on our lives. WhileRead… Read more »

Talking Shop

It must be apparent to anyone following my blogs (if that is indeed anyone at all), that I don’t usually blog about work related things. Even Web 2.0, which is a fun thing. Somehow when you institutionalize something, it takes all the fun out of it. For instance, reading Melville’s MOBY DICK can be fun,Read… Read more »

Project of the Week – DoDTechipedia and

The birth and evolution of DoDTechipedia and is a fascinating and multi-faceted story. It begins in the DoD CIO’s office, travels to the Hill and through the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (AT&L). In support of our national security, each of these entities were trying solve different,Read… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” Tues 7 April, 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance: @sradick: A challenge to the attendees of #gov20camp ( #gov20 @krishnan: Redhat tries to push Open Government using Open Source and Open Formats. #opensource #opengov @conniecrosby: in Open Government session at #mesh09 #opengov with @remarkk @conniecrosby: @danielrose why we use visual models to explain abstracts-words carry baggage; getting ridRead… Read more »

Imagine What A Network Perspective Could Do for Acquisition 2.0

In 2005 the Department of Defense established the Defense Acquisition Performance Assessment (DAPA) for the purpose of improving acquisition and procurement in major programs. The Department collected recommendations through narrative, video, documents and images – all through electronic outreach to vendors, department personnel, military colleges, and other stakeholders. The process was highly inclusive and resultedRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Holder Defends DOJ Following Stevens Dismissal

In his first television interview since taking office, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. defended the integrity and mission of the Justice Department today and said it will continue to prosecute political figures when necessary, despite a federal judge’s dismissal of the conviction of former senator Ted Stevens. “History has shown that the people whoRead… Read more »