Government 2.0 Camp – What I Loved and What I’d Like to See Next Year

This post has been cross-posted to my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” Inspirational. Fun. Chaotic. Stimulating. Profound. Surreal. Exhausted. Excited. These are the words that I’ve used to describe the inaugural Government 2.0 Camp held this past weekend at the Duke Ellington School for the Arts in Georgetown. While an event of this magnitude andRead… Read more »

Getting started with Twitter in Australian government

Republished from eGovAU. Twitter has emerged as a significant channel for breaking news, announcement and discussions on political, social, environmental and commercial topics. Over the last three years the service has grown to over 25 million users globally, including many senior business, political and entertainment figures. In fact it’s been the fastest growing online channel,Read… Read more »

Govloop – great resource for a northern neighbour

Hi folks, First, congratulations on Govloop! This is an excellent resource and I was thrilled that it was truly open to the government community at large. I serve as a Deputy Director of eCommunications at the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada and have had the pleasure of meeting several US counterparts andRead… Read more »

The One Call You Should Answer

Did you know that recycling the 100 million cell phones that are no longer used annually would save enough energy to power 18,500 US Households for a year? This is the statistic (and I would imagine the motivation) the EPA is providing citizens this week during National Cell Phone Recycling Week! How it works: cellRead… Read more »

Moving into the cloud?

With the weekend’s hiccup in the IBM-Sun merger taking over this morning’s news, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at this article in last week’s Economist about IBM’s so-called “Open Cloud Manifesto” (basically, an appeal to industry to make cloud computing components work together around common standards). Both IBM and SunRead… Read more »

Social Media and government games

Homeland security with George Washington university have created a first person EMS and disaster training game. As part of National Emergency Medical Service Preparadness Initive (NEMSPI or Cooperative Agreement Number 2005-GT-T5-K003, administered by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security/FEMA.) EMS folks can test their skills in chemical, biological, radiation scenarios. For just $14.95 you canRead… Read more »

How much exposure can $25 buy you on Facebook?

I don’t know if you have given much thought to using Ads on Facebook. I really hadn’t, but got curious last week. We’re not using Facebook at Housing and Urban Development yet, so I thought of another way to test this capability. I put on one of my other hats: I serve on a non-profitRead… Read more »

Be part of a “coffee table” book

I am contemplating a coffee table book of the most interesting and unique tattoos for federal employees. As I walk around daily, I notice more and more tattoos, some plain and some quite unique. Certainly there are some stories behind them. I am thinking just a photo, and an anonymous quote, place of employment, etc.Read… Read more »