A LocalGov Camp (online)?

For those who haven’t experienced it, it’s hard to explain barcamp (although this wikipedia entry does a pretty good job). These are unconference conclaves of thinkers and doers, meeting, talking, making connections and exploring the possibilities, but also getting things done. I attended the UKGovWeb BarCamp back in January, which brought together a great rangeRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Census 2010: One Year Away

Census Day 2010 is exactly one year from today, and this week 140,000 temporary Census employees start fanning out nationwide to start accounting for every single American address. Originally designed for next year’s follow-up visits, the GPS-enabled devices instead will be used only this year due to concerns about how well they would operate inRead… Read more »

eDemocracy Camp | April 19 | Washington DC

The Internet has become a central tool of the democratic process. Can we create innovative participation opportunities, develop usable tools, and are the right people paying attention? eDemocracyCamp2 is a participant-driven unconference to explore how the Internet can improve the citizen experience of democracy. http://barcamp.org/eDemocracyCamp2 On day 2 of his Presidency, President Obama issued aRead… Read more »

2.0 Opportunity Framework – A Model for Consultants

The following is a rough sketch of a framework I began developing months back attempting to explain and rationalize the different types of opportunities available to a consultant or consultancy in the “2.0” space. I thought I might subject it GovLoop’s collective critique both her and on my blog in the hopes of starting someRead… Read more »

Only 10 Days Left Until MuniGov Con! Register Now!

The first-ever MuniGov 2.0 virtual conference hosted in Second Life is coming up April 10! Don’t get left out of this unique FREE training opportunity and discussion of Web 2.0 by some of the art’s best practitioners! New to Second Life? See http://www.munigov.org/ for Second Life Orientation information. Register now, set up a projector andRead… Read more »

Gov Loop email has flagged word list

Good Morning. Just a heads up. My group email got flagged this morning for the word Nigerian. Turns out that a woman from Nigeria was stopped by customs for trying to smuggle a dead bird into the country in a bar of soap. I do not make this stuff up. When sending the email theRead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” Tues. 31st March, 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance: @nishachittal: Well this is interesting: a livestream from the White House? Brings whole new meaning to transparency: http://bit.ly/2jj2ul #opengov #gov20 @cjoh 33 entries into Apps for America. Awesome. http://www.sunlightlabs.com/appsforamerica/ #opengov #gov20 #p2 @mikemathieu: Wondering why the ROI of lobbying is so high. Should Congress get incentive pay? What would theRead… Read more »

Did we meet at Gov20Camp?

Hi I am @immunity aka Andrea Baker, the Director of Enterprise 2.0 for Navstar, Inc. I met a lot of you at Gov20Camp while working on the blog for government20club.org. So we didn’t always get a chance to chat in details. I want to make up for that now. I want to reconnect now virtually.Read… Read more »