Social Software and National Security: An Initial Net Assessment.

A new Department of Defense research paper co-authored by Dr. Linton Wells II and Dr. Mark Drapeau. It is a publication from the Center for Technology and National Security Policy of the National Defense University in Washington, D.C. You can find and download the report here: Social Software and National Security: An Initial Net Assessment

“Sweet GovTweets” Mon 20th April 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance: @juliabeebuzz: @Gov20Camp – Passing along the great stuff happening for #gov20 #opengov #gov20camp #edemcamp #gov20cloud @adrielhampton: Tune in to for Clay Johnson of Sunlight Labs w/@govloop & @meghan1018 – 2/5 eastern #gov20 #opengov @a_marsh: To consider when making immigration policy: 1/2 of US tech companies had foreignRead… Read more »

The Case for Why Social Media Is Essential to Building Effective Transparency (It may be different than you think!)

twitter @kpkfusion This morning I published a simple twitter post that circulated quickly. The post was inspired by a Washington Post article on the Johnstown Pa airport. According to the Post article, the airport, though slightly used, became one of the first recipients of stimulus funds and has now received over 200M of federal moneyRead… Read more »

A new CTO – a First

I think everyone was surprised on Saturday morning when President Obama used his weekly radio address to announce his new CTO. But the Obama administration is a 24-hour shop, so why not? Now, Obama’s top IT shop is in place, ready to handle a new level of technology in government. How cool is that?

Unemployment “MEDIA” reports.

Just a fair warning to get all you facts before doom-and-gloom is announced. Yes, the unemployment rate is rising in this country, but for differing reasons. My belief (theory) is a challenging one at best. I do agree that the financial CRASH contributed to a vast part of the overall numbers for businesses around theRead… Read more »

Apology owed to Veterans!

Watching – Listening – Reading about he error of Secretary Napolitano I am outraged by her statements. Ultimately Madam Secretary needs to simply apologize for the statements she has made (not to double talk). By CAM SIMPSON and GARY FIELDS WASHINGTON — The Federal Bureau of Investigation earlier this year launched a nationwide operation targetingRead… Read more »

Open Government on the Internet – May 15th at the LBJ School of Public Affairs

I have registered for this event and look forward to the speakers and discussions. However, I noticed on the registration page at, that the Presidential Memorandum on FOIA was referenced, but not the January 21 Directive on “Open and Transparent Government” See Will the May 15 event focus on FOIA or the broaderRead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” Sat 18th April, 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance @corbett3000: Have you seen DC’s Digital Public Square? It’s the manifestation of #gov20 – #opengov @gov20camp: New Post: “Calling All Citizen Innovators – Get Ready for!” #gov20 #opengov #gov20camp #edemcamp @kayawalton: Awesome, RI residents can track daily cash flow through @RITreasury. RI scores one for open govtRead… Read more »