Who is the World’s Most Powerful Woman?
ElectWomen Magazine answers that question today! Visit www.electwomen.com to read about the top ranking women in the world. www.electwomen.com
ElectWomen Magazine answers that question today! Visit www.electwomen.com to read about the top ranking women in the world. www.electwomen.com
Background The following is a thought experiment I devised while attempting to find some analogy for web 2.0 adoption as an indirect contributor to ROI and more akin to infrastructure, especially the type of infrastructure in which companies routinely invest nowadays without a passing thought. The Experiment Experiment 1 – New Infrastructure In your prestigiousRead… Read more »
Very cool new capability from web 2.0 firm, Apture. Check it out on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdX5wilmh4M Or hear are some details from Apture: A few months ago Apture announced a partnership with the Washington Post that improved visibility into the workings of the Federal Government by exposing a rich set of information related to elected lawmakersRead… Read more »
A big element of the Obama administration’s plans to distribute and oversee economic stimulus funds is Recovery.gov, eagerly anticipated as the administration’s first stab at opening wide the doors of the federal bureaucracy. The Eye has taken great interest in Earl Devaney’s efforts and recently asked some former colleagues and government transparency experts to weighRead… Read more »
Online registration is now open for the 2009 Neighborhoods, USA (NUSA) conference May 20-23 at the Spokane Convention Center in Spokane, Wash. Join 1,000 leaders from 68 cities and get inspired to build stronger, healthier communities. Neighborhoods, USA is a national non-profit organization that seeks to build stronger communities by facilitating the development of partnershipsRead… Read more »
I have started to compile the results of our Web 2.0 survey. The results thus far have been interesting. 54% of employees responded that they are using Web 2.0 and 18% of employees are already using Web 2.0 in a professionally (I guess that we are behind in getting our Social Media Policy approved). WeRead… Read more »
I loved this quote I came across recently.. “The metric is what the person has to contribute, not the person’s rank, age, or level of experience. If they have the answer, I want the answer. When I post a question on my blog, I expect the person with the answer to post back. I doRead… Read more »
President Obama’s January 21 open government memorandum calls for transparency, participation and collaboration in government. These three concepts have been underlying American democracy since the start, but never have they been so central to a presidential vision. With advanced technologies and creative use of the Internet, a commitment to open government will go a longRead… Read more »
Applications are now open for the first International School on Digital Transformation, to be held July 19-24, 2009, at the University of Porto in Porto, Portugal. The School is accepting applications from advanced students and recent graduates from around the world with an interest in how digital technologies are changing societies and the world asRead… Read more »
Let’s face it. DARPA is always on the bleeding-edge when it comes to developing advanced technologies for defense. Just when you think they have outdone themselves, they come up with something even more mind-blowing. DARPA’s latest foray is into developing technologies that actually see through concrete walls, meaning there is no place for insurgents toRead… Read more »