Access to iTunes University

When you get into iTunes, go to the iTunes store and you will see iTunes U. Click and then search for the Defense Acquisition University. There you will find what we refer to as Living Library snippets (or chunks) of Lessons Learned from various ranking federal and civilian leaders (most of whom are transitioning). IRead… Read more »

Un miracle pascal s’est produit: Bernard Drainville s’exprime enfin

Un miracle pascal s’est produit les amis: le député québécois Bernard Drainville a réagi à une vidéo où l’on voit Barack Obama parlant de pandémie, une information transmise via Twitter. IL A OSÉ UTILISER LE MOT “PANDÉMIE”. @BDrainvillePQ à @Lyne_Robichaud “Merci! Je retiens ceci: pour faire face à une éventuelle pandémie, ça prend des infrastructuresRead… Read more »

What do you want at Gov 2.0

There are so many good ideas. People can either post news or ask a question. Things keep expanding here on GovLoop. Though it is asked – what can be done to make GovLoop better lets change the question to what do want to find here, would like to find here or would like to seeRead… Read more »

DAU on iTunes

The Defense Acquisition University is the FIRST and ONLY Federal Corporate University on ITunes University. Please go by and check us out!!

Calling Out a Couple of Gov 2.0 Social Media Rockstars

from – I’ve been doing a lot of research over the past several months about social media for governance. In that time, I’ve seen many efforts to reform government communications – some mediocre, some good, and some great. Using the wide-open Web in a government setting is a scary proposition for most, with theRead… Read more »

Hanging Out Day

No silly, I’m not talking about playing hooky from school or work! I’m referring to Project Laundry List’s efforts on April 19th to educate communities about energy consumption, “Right to Dry” legislation, and most importantly, how to save money and energy by utilizing a clothesline. So what exactly happens on Hanging Out Day is thatRead… Read more »


The Internet is infected and U.S. citizens are paying a steep price by having their identities stolen and bank accounts raided by international hackers on a regular basis. We are calling for more action from the U.S. government to help industry fight the battle and stop those who are wreaking havoc on our lives. WhileRead… Read more »