Cycling Risk Management

The air felt a bit fresher yesterday. The wind in my hair was more invigorating. I felt more in touch with the sounds of the world around me. Had the weather really changed that much? Then I realized that I had forgotten to put on my bicycle helmet. Suddenly, the fog that was cool againstRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Earl Devaney’s Recommended Reading

Earl Devaney has a bookmark for reporters: “My vision here is that every reporter in America will wake up and click on this site and be looking for problems. They’ve already started, by the way,” he told city and county officials yesterday during a meeting at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. Devaney, chairman ofRead… Read more »

Twitter in the Crosshairs – Facebook’s Gambit

Everyone has seen the change, and have debated whether it’s really a rip-off of Twitter’s microblog format. Those of us who have been through the microblogging wars see some other similarities, with the conversational commentary seeming to run more like Pownce and Plurk than the Twitter format of @s and RTs. Regardless, the livestream seemsRead… Read more »

Wednesday 18 March 2009 on Twitter

Some tweets relevant to #opengov, #gov20, #govloop @govloop: Have you joined GovLoop March Madness Tourney? password: govloop Watch Duke choke. #gov20 #opengov @GovTwit: Lots of State/Local folks added 2 Gov Twitter Directory this wk: #gov20 RT @Nextgov Why I love Bob Brewin: News Flash: Acquisition Workers Needed In Government #gov20 @Gov20CampFederal WebRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Could Crowdsourcing Help Control the Stimulus?

As the federal government starts doling out billions of dollars from the economic recovery package, there’s growing concern that officials will not be able to account for every project and every dollar spent. Should the government enlist everyday Americans with an Internet connection to help? Jerry Brito thinks so. Brito is a senior research fellowRead… Read more »

The Social Media Subcouncil Asks: What’s in a Name?

When it comes to social media, how you position your brand goes a long way for conveying authenticity and trust. Social media naming conventions are equally important for government agencies as they are for celebrities, commercial entities, and other branded organizations. Prior to commencing activity in the social space, it’s important for government communicators toRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Locke Assures Senators on Census, DTV Switch

Former Washington State governor Gary Locke expressed his full commitment to helping restore the nation’s economic health and stated that he was prepared to address the challenges facing the Commerce Department during his confirmation hearing before the Senate Commerce Committee today. “We must rebuild, retool and reinvent our national strategies for sustained economic success,” LockeRead… Read more »

Transformation of DOD’s Business Systems

The Department of Defense launched an ambitious effort to transform its vast network of back office mission support systems in 2001. It has since invested large amounts of funding in the effort. What progress has the initiative achieved to date? What has been its impact? Should the new Administration continue the existing effort, terminate it,Read… Read more »

A Suggestion for what “Transparency” looks like

Transparency. It’s the buzz word around the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and the planned disbursement, tracking and reporting of the $787 billion federal stimulus package to states. Every state and many local jurisdictions have responded in some way to the transparency requirements (page 9) outlined by the federal government. As transparency can beRead… Read more »

Oversight and the Stimulus Law

This event is still several weeks away, but with all of the talk about ARRA, government oversight, and transparency, I thought people might be interested in the AABPA April Program Meeting; open to members and non-members. Oversight and the Stimulus Law In the months following the enactment of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA),Read… Read more »