Death and taxes

For most of my adult life, I have prepared my own (and my husband’s and my joint) tax returns. There were a few years where I also did the taxes for one of my aunt’s, my father-in-law, and our two sons. I would sit down at the dining room table with all the bits andRead… Read more »

I Hear America Singing — Walt Whitman at the Karaoke Café

Every couple of years America’s diplomats overseas are expected to come back to the U.S. for at least one month on “home leave” “to ensure that employees who live abroad for an extended period undergo reorientation and re-exposure in the United States on a regular basis.” During my home leave last summer I visited familyRead… Read more »

Looking for local govs with great websites that utilize Gov20 / Web20 / SocMed Technology

I’m working on my GovLoop Project of the Week for the first week of April. I’m looking for cool local government websites that utilize Gov20 / Web20 or Social Media technology to improve services, reduce costs, etc. If you know of some great local gov websites, please post them to my profile or message themRead… Read more »

Government Job Prospects in the Current Economy…. Thoughts and Concerns

Hello … Some of my classmates and I had a discussion over lunch today about job prospects for MPA graduates in the next 12-18 months. Those of us that are not currently in the full-time work force would be by that time. As a someone currently working for the great (not so great budget) StateRead… Read more »

New Worldwide Gov 2.0 Live Radio Show with BlogTalkRadio

from – In preparation for a new Government 2.0 podcast I’m planning with Steve Ressler, Steve Lunceford, the FutureGov team, Ari Herzog and Meghan Harvey, producer (live demo Monday at 8 p.m. PST – please tune/call in), I was able to grab some time with BlogTalkRadio’s Amy Domestico to get her thoughts on effectiveRead… Read more »

Se rendre là où personne n’est encore allé: pousser l’expérience gouv2.0 (dans le cadre de préparatifs pandémiques)

Ces derniers mois, les membres de la sphère du Flublogia ont consolidé leurs liens en expérimentant avec de nouveaux outils de réseautage social, tels que Facebook et Twitter. En se regroupant, ils ont formé une communauté. En échangeant des informations, discutant et partageant leurs expériences, ils se sont transformés en communauté de pratique flublogienne. WikipédiaRead… Read more »

Working for the government isn’t good enough

Since you’re on this site, chances are you’ve found yourself—at least once—answering the question “So, what do you do?” with some variation of “I work for the government.” I certainly have. And I wonder if the other person has ever thought, “Wow; thanks, chief. That really paints a vivid picture of how you’re justifying theRead… Read more »