Gov 2.0 Camp: view from a co-organizer

This past weekend, I had the amazing good fortune to help organize Government 2.0 Camp with three great people: Maxine Teller, Peter Corbett, and Mark Drapeau. You can find all kinds of recap goodies on the Government 2.0 Club site. Sorry, I can’t do a better job than Todd Pitt did in his “minimalist” recapRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Locke Joins Census Bureau Outreach Efforts

In his first official act as commerce secretary, Gary Locke urged the leaders of groups volunteering with the U.S. Census Bureau to increase their outreach efforts among the nation’s minority groups, noting the government has simplified the process in an effort to boost overall participation. “It’s our job to let Americans know that taking partRead… Read more »

The Story Behind Fairy Stone State Park

Long, long ago there where fairies that inhabited a remote area in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. They roamed free while enjoying the beauty of their enchanted habitat. One day, while playing in a sunny glade, an elfin messenger arrived from a far away city bearing the sad news of Christ’s death. UponRead… Read more »

Twitter is now the #1 Social Media tool used by US Hospitals – cool graph

From Twitter, Andrew P Wilson and #hcsm hastag Twitter is now the #1 Social Media tool used by US Hospitals. See the latest update here: The article is short but the graph is very telling. To learn more please visit: The Health Care Social Media community hosts a weekly online conversation about communication andRead… Read more »

Transforming Information Technology at the Department of Veterans Affairs

Jonathan Walters’ report chronicles the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) efforts to realign and centralize its information technology activities. Describing it as an “ambitious, audacious and arduous crusade,” Walters makes it very clear that this is still very much a work in progress. There are significant hurdles ahead and certain significant adjustments will no doubtRead… Read more »

TSP Talk – Bull or bear?

Good morning. It’s your weekly dose of TSP Talk. Stocks dropped on Friday, as the TSP stock funds lost 2% to 3% on the day, but ended the week up sharply, and after a slow start, March has returned much of 2009’s early losses. Can it continue week? A week ago Friday I had saidRead… Read more »

Jingle Bells

When I was a young child, my family would buy a Christmas tree a couple of days before Christmas and leave it out on the back porch. I lived in fear that someone would steal the tree before Christmas, but no one ever did. On Christmas morning, my brother and I would wake up toRead… Read more »

Macworld Article: Library of Congress embraces YouTube, iTunes

March 30, 2009 Library of Congress embraces YouTube, iTunes Washington DC, library will begin uploading its digital materials to online services Grant Gross ________________________________________ The US Library of Congress has begun uploading its audio archives to iTunes, and it will soon begin to post videos on YouTube, in an effort to make its materials easierRead… Read more »

Government 2.0 Camp Minimalist Recap

Here is the long short, or should I say short long? IT WAS AWESOME. I met many awesome people doing awesome things. I learned a bunch, thought about a bunch more. Connected with people who I knew but had never met. Met people who I should connect with, but never knew. Thought of new thingsRead… Read more »