Rudeness At Our Borders, Why?

From NPR’s Morning Edition March 6, 2009 : “A Canadian man was crossing the border into Washington state when an inspector told him to turn off his car. Desiderio Fortunato replied, in effect: “Say please.” The inspector repeated his order. The Canadian still expected him to say please. The Canadian was blinded by pepper spray,Read… Read more »

Forget the People, I’m Talking to the Building! — Who is the Voice in an Institutional Blog?

Back in grade school, one of the lessons was that “according to the White House” didn’t really mean that the White House was talking, it meant that someone who represented the White House was talking. OK. We were children, and we were being taught the nuances of the language. But, sometimes it seems as ifRead… Read more »

Outside the Box – Inside the Box

Ant’s point of view or Eagle’s point of view? Both are necessary when tackling a complex problem, but so many times either one view or the other is championed to be the sole winner in the debate. To hear the words.”Both are right”, takes the wind out of the sails of many. What comes toRead… Read more »

Is Your Representative a #FAIL on Twitter?

from So, there are as many ways to use Twitter as there are users. But I’ll depart from many of my fine friends who state there are no wrong ways. There are plenty. Just take a look at this great hall of “FAIL” fame. Right now, I want to talk about politicians on Twitter.Read… Read more »

Throwing Sheep in the Boardroom

Here’s a cool video, based on the fascinating book of the same title, that explains how organizations are starting to embrace Web 2.0 as a means of enhancing performance and delivering bottom-line returns. The battle is essentially one between horizontal networks and vertical institutions. Social networking is antithetical to traditional hierarchical power structures and thereRead… Read more »

20th Anniversary of Hair Metal, Funnies, College Hockey, College Basketball… and other topics from GovLoop’s Entertainment and Sports Bureaucrat

Just to warn you, this is going to be a very random post from the Hokie Guru… the Guru will wander all over the place tonight… the Guru continues his tradition of speaking in the third person: Note: Please use Plain Language in the federal government; don’t talk like the Guru and his third personRead… Read more »