US Department of State’s Global Video Contest Winners Inspire Cross-Cultural Understanding

What do a 14-year-old freshman in Columbus, Nebraska; a 23-year-old software engineer in Bangalore, India; a 16-year-old senior in Recife, Brazil; and a 22-year-old Fulbright scholarship recipient from Wheaton, Illinois have in common? They share a strong desire to create bridges across cultures and their unique action and vision has earned each a video contestRead… Read more »

Once a Louisvillian – Always a Louisvillian!

True, I live in the DC Metro area, but Louisville will always be home. For the past few years, I’ve only looked forward to Spring in Louisville because of the Kentucky Derby Festival… This time, the NCAA Championship lineup has added a little extra spring to my step… Can the Cardinals go all the way?Read… Read more »

Social networking in the government

I’m in the middle of my MBA electives at Babson College in Wellesley, MA. One of my electives is called Social Networking & Virtual Worlds. In this course, we are learning all about the benefits that today’s Web 2.0 technologies can provide to a business venture, or a manager in the Government like me! FirstRead… Read more »

The power of raw government data

Republished from eGovAU. In the US President Obama’s newly appointed (and first) Federal Government CIO Vivek Kundra has committed to finding new ways to make government data open and accessible. The Computer World article, First federal CIO wants to ‘democratize’ U.S. government data, discusses how, In a conference call with reporters, Kundra said he plansRead… Read more »

Centralized Vs. Decentralized Organizations: The Starfish and The Spider

I just got done reading the book The Stafish and the Spider for one of my grad school classes on technology and knowledge management and a few thoughts came to mind… I intially really appreicated the vivid examples that the authors discussed in providing context for what a “starfish” vs. a “spider” looks like. ForRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Team Player: Janet Napolitano

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano made that statement on CNN Thursday when asked about former vice president Dick Cheney’s recent assertion that the Obama administration’s policies have made the country less safe. “This administration is very committed to the safety of this country,” Napolitano said. “I wake up in the morning, thinking about what weRead… Read more »

What Goes Around Comes Around – But Better

I regularly receive emails from friends who are concerned because they had received an email informing them of a new type of crime, a grievous social injustice, a rampant computer virus, etc. Perhaps the more excited or agitated something makes us, the more we want to believe it and spread the word (a riff onRead… Read more »

NCAA Men’s Division I Basketball Tournament (Day #1), Stryper, and the Western Collegiate Hockey Association Final Five

A few points of interest from the 2009 NCAA Men’s Division I Basketball Tournament…. what we learned from Day 1 (and yes, the Hokie Guru knows it’s Goldie the Minnesota Gopher with a hockey stick… kind of resembles his first day picks… lol)… 1.) The Hokie Guru is in close to the bottom in Govloop’sRead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” – Thursday 19th March 2009 Edition.

Apologies in advance for missed tweets. @askthepresident our site is is live! #bipart #gov20 #askpres @sairy Check out @AskThePresident #opengov #gov20 @sairy Ask the President is up – #opengov #gov20 #p2 @debategraph @AskThePresident launching today #gov20 #bipart #sgp #rebelleft #tcot #p2 #fem2 #woc #lgbtq @arimelber: WE LAUNCHED @AskThePresident project today! Article:… Read more »