What form should a government blog take?

Republished from eGovAU. There’s an excellent and very active discussion over at Adriel Hampton’s blog regarding, Templating a Government 2.0 Blog. The discussion ranges beyond the pure technical and moderation challenges of establishing a blog (which are very easy to overcome) and into the mindset of government. In fact my view of the discussion isRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Kaplan Named OPM General Counsel

Elaine Kaplan will serve as one of President Obama’s lead advisors on federal human resource issues in her new role as general counsel of the Office of Personnel Management. The agency’s acting director, Kathie Ann Whipple, appointed her to the job today, calling her “uniquely qualified” to serve OPM. Currently a senior deputy counsel atRead… Read more »

How Open and Transparent Will Reporting of State Level Stimulus Spending Be?

By Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. I’m almost finished building my list of state government stimulus reporting web pages. Next week I’ll begin a more detailed state by state review of what these pages reveal about how “open and transparent” states are being about how they use ARRA money. Below I discuss why I’m doing this,Read… Read more »

Pandemic – What can I do ?

Pandemics – What can I do? Alice M. Fisher asked a great question. “How will one single government worker riding the metro system everyday, day in and day out personally prepare and make a difference (even if you are supposed to be the last to go or shut down. Schools can close. Restaurants and roadsRead… Read more »

Update to the IT Strategy member group

Originally, my intent was for the IT Strategy group to be for government employees only. This was due to legal requirements that strategic plans be written by government employees. I’ve been re-thinking this and decided today that I’d open the group up to everyone on Govloop. My agency has a specific group dedicated to developingRead… Read more »

What Was Old Is New Again

In replying to a discussion to an article in which the author predicts the institutionalization of social networking sites by businesses (oh yuck!) it struck me that social networking sites are the new computer bulletin boards. For those too young to have been active in the computer community in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s,Read… Read more »