Need your Municipal links!

Guy Kawasaki of wants to do a Municipal topic on alltop. So, I am looking for your suggestions for links. We are looking for sites relevant to municipalities. Not really looking for site about individual cities or elected officials. Good examples are Do you know sites are are relevant to municipalities?Read… Read more »

what municipal websites could be

Like other governments, local governments are often too comfortable with the “press release” mode of interaction with its publics. Gerry McGovern, a customer-service-in-government consultant sums it up: “Too many government websites tell us about the legislation they are enacting. We are victims of a tsunami of policies, procedures and publications in a language that isRead… Read more »

20th Reunion Music Flashback, Oscars in the House, Roadtrip to Blacksburg, the Weekend’s Best NCAA Division I College Basketball, Virginia is Smoke-Free (almost), and Terry McAuliffe Shows The Hokie Guru Some Love

Hola, GovLoopers!! What a great weekend coming up!! And it has a great theme to it… the underdog (this is who the Hokie Guru usually roots for)… and we might see some underdogs win this weekend. First, let’s kick off some great music from 1989… the Hokie Guru has to get ready for his 20thRead… Read more »

A soft social media manifesto for municipal government

• Email subscriptions (These go everywhere) • Contact us links (These go everywhere) • Digital video – Council/Boards/Commissions • Webcams • Health and Wellness Blogs/Newsletters • Top officials/employees/executives blogging/All blog • Online bill pay • Public Works requests online (potholes/streetlights etc.) • Download applications links • Wikis

The addiction of Social Media

This is the first blog post of my very own. I am a blogger for the USCG. No – I don’t rescue people in the middle of the perfect storm, or remove thousands of pounds of drugs from entering our country – not directly anyway. 🙂 Most of my blogs are centered around CG Logistics.Read… Read more »

Top 21 Twitter Apps – Re-Blog

TechCrunch has accumulated a list of the twenty most popular Twitter applications … By popular demand, here is a list of the Top 21 Twitter Clients (According To TwitStat). 1. Twitpic 1,236,828 2. Tweetdeck 285,864 3. Digsby 233,472 4. Twittercounter 212,200 5. Twitterfeed 149,812 6. Twitterholic 147,164 7. Twhirl 143,333 8. Twitturly 88,793 9. TwtpollRead… Read more »

How will you help to develop leaders in your agency?

Your legacy will depend in part on your ability to develop and nurture future leaders to sustain your goals and objectives. This important role, developing a cadre of future leaders, is frequently overlooked in government. It is worth your devoting time and effort to this endeavor. In his report to the IBM Center, Ray BluntRead… Read more »

New Radio Program on President’s Stimulus Package-What It Means to the Criminal Justice System-NCJA—DC Public Safety

( See radio programs) Welcome to DC Public Safety–radio and television programs on crime, criminal offenders and the criminal justice system. See for our television shows, blog and transcripts. We welcome your comments or suggestions at [email protected] or at Twitter at The show features an interview with the National Criminal Justice Association andRead… Read more »