Federal Eye: Team Player: Timothy Geithner

“We’re doing more in weeks than other countries do in years.” Treasury Secretary Timothy M. Geithner made that pronouncement earlier this week after meetings with lawmakers to update them on the administration’s recovery program. The not-so-subtle dig at the world financial community was part of his ongoing effort to convince his international counterparts that theyRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Recovery Board Chairman Says Waste and Fraud ‘Inevitable’

The official tasked with overseeing the economic stimulus funds says it’s “inevitable” that taxpayer funds will be lost due to waste, fraud and abuse. Earl Devaney, chairman of the Recovery Act Transparency and Accountability Board (RAT Board), met today with state officials responsible for distributing the federal funds and said he will “work tirelessly toRead… Read more »

Say It Ain’t So, Vivek Kundra!

First published on theagilemind.blogspot.com, March 12. So Vivek Kundra already has been forced to take leave of his brand new post as federal chief information officer just days after he finally was officially named to the job. He had been working in the Office of Management and Budget unofficially for a while before the formalRead… Read more »

Web 2.0 – Meet the new Hype, same as the old Hype

Judas? Not quite Lest I be confused with non-web 2.0 enthusiast or, worse, proclaimed contrarian to the very type of forum where I’m contributing by this writing, let me offer a blatant caveat right up front here: I’m a web 2.0 advocate and believer, a regular social computing junkie, and generally optimistic guy. I useRead… Read more »

Vivek Kundra at FOSE

Vivek Kundra is the newly appointed Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the federal government. He is the first federal CIO ever and previously served as Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for the District of Columbia. He spoke this morning at FOSE, the major government technology tradeshow in Washington, DC. I wanted to write up my notesRead… Read more »

Transparency and Jack Bauer

Yesterday, Thad Juszczak, a director with Grant Thornton LLP, cross-posted an interesting piece he wrote for the AGA blog on March 4, talking about transparency in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (The Recovery Act). He writes (paraphrasing with his permission) that accountability — someone specific being responsible for achieving performance results– is different fromRead… Read more »

Clearing My Throat, ahem, I Meant My Keyboard…

Long before the Internet social networking was a diplomatic tool. The words “diplomatic” and “reception” go naturally together. So naturally that diplomats are negatively stereotyped as “cookie pushers” (i.e. spending all their time at receptions serving appetizers). But, no doubt about it, a core element of diplomacy is networking socially and professionally … and communicating.Read… Read more »

Loss vs Defeat

Although I rarely listen to the news these days, (Too much drama for me to digest in one sitting sometimes), I was compelled to listen to a story about a high school basketball team, whose story is a microcosm of life almost anywhere, almost anytown… You may have heard the story… I can truthfully say,Read… Read more »