Top 10 Reasons You Should Want to be Secretary of the Department of Commerce

In light of recent developments some suggestions on finding the elusive DOC Secretary. Top 10 Reasons You Should Want to be Secretary of the Department of Commerce 10. Yanno that phone number that you call to get the time…yep you’re in charge of it. 9. You get to be in charge of the National InstituteRead… Read more »

Congressman’s twittering while traveling in war zone lands him in hot water

Congressman’s twittering while traveling in war zone lands him in hot water This is an interesting read. I’m very interested in using and leveraging the web 2.0 applications into government websites. I think we are in sort of a wild west stage of development – depending upon where you are and what the attitudes inRead… Read more »

Metzenbaum spoke yesterday to the government-wide Performance Improvement Council

Shelley spoke yesterday to the government-wide Performance Improvement Council about her report and recommendations. The members, including OMB staff, were very receptive to her insights and many thought that they could begin acting on her ideas even before a Chief Performance Officer is appointed! Read the report here.

Register now for the MuniGov 2.0 conference in Second Life!

Registration is open for MuniGov 2.0’s first virtual conference -MuniGovCon’09! April 10, 2009, 9 AM – 1 PM, PST. Conference sessions, info and registration links are posted on the MuniGov 2.0 site. The conference is free and you can attend from your computer! Please register early through the link above because capacity is limited toRead… Read more »

Free (or almost free) Collaboration Software

A few months ago I peeked at DimDim, the FREE, web-conferencing application targeting WebEx and Adobe Connect. In the intervening months, the developers have been a busy lot, adding features only found in high-end software e.g. host-transfer, recording, audio/video, MAC support, and integrated teleconferencing. We’ve seamlessly run training sessions with colleagues as far afield asRead… Read more »


Hi Everyone, If you are thinking about becoming a police officer to help protect America & the West Point Military Academy motto “Duty, Honor, Country” has great meaning for you, as it does for me, then you may want to think about my modified version, “Duty, Honor, Community”. Also check out A Nationwide OnlineRead… Read more »

Wiki Inspiration. Iteration. Collaboration.

I have been fortunate to have the immense honor of working with the Social Media Subcouncil of the Federal Web Managers Council over the past several weeks. And though I am *just* in State government, I am so inspired by the amazing people that I have “met” and collaborated with via Facebook, Twitter, GovLoop, andRead… Read more »


Hi Everyone, I’m a recently retired cop & I’m in search of my 2nd career in the Federal Gov’t. While I was poking around on the web for jobs & related Info. I found the website which is the website for the book by Richard Bolles, “What Color Is Your Parachute? 2009 – ARead… Read more »