In which I make a case for (a little bit of) Web 1.0 in the Government 2.0 world

I’ve been thinking about Dennis McDonald‘s thoughts about K-TOC. He wrote: “I guess I see an advantage to being able to easily differentiate between a web site that serves as an official portal, and a web service that facilitates a mix of formal and informal communication. The question is, how realistic is it to combineRead… Read more »

Iowa Lawmaker Wants One School Superintendent Per County

Iowa lawmaker wants one school superintendent per county DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — An Iowa lawmaker wants to limit the state to one school superintendent in each county. Sen. Matt McCoy, D-Des Moines, says the administrative costs being carried by school districts is too high. He says there are nine superintendents in Polk County andRead… Read more »

Anyone have real-world experience with Microsoft’s “Business Productivity Online Suite” offering?

My agency has a mandate to switch to Microsoft Outlook from a different e-mail platform, and we are also planning on evaluating SharePoint for document sharing, collaboration. automating workflows, etc. Since we’re small (about 125 users), a hosted offering appears to offer some distinct advantages. I’m curious about Microsoft’s hosted offering b/c it includes twoRead… Read more »

been incredible busy as of late

I have not had a lot of time to do blog post as of late. Everything seemed to get really busy come the beginning of this new year. Things are starting to slow. But there is still some catch up to do.

Making first step toward smart regulation

(This post appeared originally in the Huffington Post, Feb. 23, 2009. Reprinted with permission) The Obama Administration created as a critical stimulus component, taking a “don’t trust us, track us” approach to assure funds are distributed quickly and fairly and “recipients and uses of all recovery funds are transparent.” It will also provide cluesRead… Read more »

Top 10 Best Practices for Government Websites from the Federal Web Managers Council

More goodness from … Top 10 Best Practices for Government Websites 1. Meet all laws, requirements, policies, and other directives for public websites 2. Document your governance structure, including roles, relationships, responsibilities, rules, and review processes 3. Develop, document, and implement a strategic plan that both incorporates visionary changes and corrects problems with webRead… Read more »