I’m Back, So Is Kundra

Repost from today at: The Agile Mind, http://theagilemind.blogspot.com News of my disappearance has been greatly exaggerated! Those of you who had written me off should have known better. In fact, I was simply hibernating until my prediction about Vivek Kundra came true, well, almost. Today has WFED radio in DC and NextGov (a blogging stompingRead… Read more »

Cognitive Edge in Government

We have started to explore the use of Cognitive Edge methodologies in government. This is an interesting approach using complexity science and other natural sciences as a base of theory and may, much like social computing, change how we think about our relationships, how we communicate and how we share information with our colleagues, stakeholderRead… Read more »

Open and Innovative Government – Enabling Collaboration

New GovLoop Group – Enabling Collaboration: Open and Innovative Government “I direct the Chief Technology Officer, in coordination with the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Administrator of General Services, to coordinate the development by appropriate executive departments and agencies, within 120 days, of recommendations for an Open Government Directive,Read… Read more »

Technology and the State Department

This is taken directly from the transcript posted on the Department of State’s website (Town Hall Meeting held at the US State Department on February 4th, 2009). I thought a question on technolgy might interest some of you…if you are interested in reading the whole transcript, visit: http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2009a/02/116022.htm MODERATOR: Okay, our next question comes fromRead… Read more »

Making Social Media out of New Media

As government connects with citizens through new and existing social networks like Facebook and Twitter, and through video and imagery publishing sites like YouTube and Flickr, they are finding new outlets for publishing information. While using these new streams demonstrate governments’ progress to use new media, in many cases they are simply being used toRead… Read more »

Rise of the Goverati

Interesting article on Read/Write/Web about government web site managers and social media advocates. Govloop is mentioned as an example. But, best of all, IMHO, is the term that the author comes up for government web folks: Goverati. I like it! http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/government_20_rise_of_the_goverati.php

Maybe a foolish idea from a Gov’t 2.0 thinker: Could be usefull the “wikigov” concept?

Maybe is not as new as I thought, but re-reading the Dan Tapscott’s Wikinomics again, I was trying to link the wikinomics principles to e-government. And I made a question to share with you: It’s possible to think about wikigovs? If it is, Is’t usefull at local level? Wikigovs could be a model of governmentRead… Read more »

Citizen Experience Officer…

I love this concept on the “Experience Matters” blog about suggesting Obama create a Citizen Experience Officer: http://experiencematters.wordpress.com/2008/11/23/obama-needs-a-citizen-experience-officer/ This is similiar to Chief Customer Officer concept and one that most successful organizations now have whether they are corporate or governemnt. This role includes: 1. Serving as an advocate for the customer (aka, citizens in theRead… Read more »