Laissez les bon temps roulez.

Happy Mardi Gras. When our kids were little we use to have pancakes for dinner at home on Fat Tuesday. When the kids were older, we started going to Copeland’s to eat crawfish ettouffe, Cajun popcorn, and jambalaya; and to get the beads Copeland’s gives out on that day. I have lots of beads fromRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Holder to Skip Obama’s Speech

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. will not attend President Obama’s speech to Congress tonight, according to an administration official, and will instead serve as the “designated survivor,” or cabinet secretary kept at an undisclosed location to ensure continuity of government in case of a catastrophic event. Holder is the third attorney general in recentRead… Read more »

Would appreciate suggestions on what gov 2.0 topics you want to learn more about

Hi GovLoopers 🙂 I am strongly considering submitting a speaking proposal to The National Association of Government Webmasters for their upcoming conference. While there are various subjects I could pitch and speak to, would like to know what suggestions you have on perhaps what topics you believe are most helpful to learn more about. OutRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Final FAA-Weather Service Decision Delayed Again

The Federal Aviation Administration has extended by one month a deadline for the National Weather Service to deliver recommendations on changing the FAA’s use of government meteorologists at its air route traffic control centers. In an “all-hands” e-mail to NWS employees today, director Jack Hayes wrote that, “Before we proceed with delivery of our finalRead… Read more »

Federal News Radio Interviews Author David Van Slyke on Complex Contracting Challenges

This morning, Federal News Radio interviewed David Van Slyke about his report, “The Challenge of Contracting for Large Complex Projects: A Case Study of the Coast Guard’s Deepwater Program.” For more information and to hear the interview, visit this web page:

Restaurant Week

I thought I would do a public service announcement. Last week was Restaurant Week in DC. Did you take advantage of this? Restaurant Week takes place twice a year, once in the frigid cold of the post-holidays and then again in the dog days of August. Times when diners are likely to be few. ForRead… Read more »

Contribute what you know and think to a gov’t social media survey

Andy Krzmarzick and Ari Herzog are two private sector folks who are speaking at the Advanced Learning Institute’s Social Media in Gov’t conference at the end of March in DC. They’ve put together a survey, and they’d love for gov’t folks at federal, state, local, and international governmental agencies to share their thinking. They’ve promisedRead… Read more »

Attending Transparency Camp or Gov’t 2.0 Camp? Watch this video first!

Attending an unconference like Transparency camp or Gov’t 2.0 Camp? They will be unlike other conferences. They’re called “unconferences” because the format is really different. You won’t be coming to sit while others lecture, occasionally asking questions. Rather, you’re expected to participate and share. Even if all you “know” is the questions you have toRead… Read more »