10 harsh truths about websites of large organizations.

This is an story about corporate websites. However in my experience of working on websites for both federal and local governments, many of these principles apply to many governmental websites. I would hope that those who have some influence over gov websites especially review “You Need A Separate Web Division”; “You’re Not Getting Value FromRead… Read more »

The Center’s Application Deadline – March 2, 2009

March 2nd is the deadline to submit research proposals to the IBM Center for The Business of Government. Coinciding with the inauguration of a new President, the financial crisis, stimulus bill and other new developments, we are particularly eager to receive proposals focusing on five cross-cutting management issues: Contracting and acquisition E-Government, Web 2.0 andRead… Read more »

You know President Obama’s website captains are doing good when your parents forward you a url.

Have you checked out http://www.recovery.gov/ ? The creme-de-le-creme of geeks who are part of this community have been way ahead of the curve. But when, to borrow a line from a Comcast cable commercial, “The Slowskies” catch up with technology, some who are the persistent kvetches, complainers, correspondents to the Hill, City Hall and WhiteRead… Read more »