Federal Eye: First Day for Several Cabinet Secretaries

Several cabinet secretaries started their new jobs today on the first full day of the Obama administration. So far only Interior Sec. Ken Salazar has been greeted by a formal welcoming ceremony at his new place of employment. Over at Veterans Affairs, there will be no formal welcome for Sec. Eric Shinseki — at leastRead… Read more »

To the Heart of the matter.

Hi Everyone, I am new here and not sure, of any guidelines for the blogs, so I hope you will put up with me. I got some news the other day that made me think about my life a career, and for whatever reason I thought I would share it here, maybe for some self-therapy.Read… Read more »

TSP Talk – Too much hope?

Stocks ended last week on a positive note as the pre-holiday bullish bias seemed to work out. With today’s Inauguration many folks are anticipating a rally based on the hope of change, but it may be too much to ask for. The S&P 500 did make some positive moves late last week but the chartRead… Read more »

Security Clearance Q&A Service

Over the past two years, ClearanceJobsBlog.com has become the only place on the internet where people can ask tough questions about security clearances and get expert answers. Due to popular demand and our rapid growth, we are launching a new private security clearance question and answer service. This will help ensure your critical questions getRead… Read more »