Turf Wars and Accessibility

We all have experienced varying degrees of the “turf war” that exists when asked the question “where in your agency is Web managed?” The one thing it seems like no one wants to fight over is accessibility and compliance. So, I pose this question: Where in your agency is accessibility managed? Regardless of the levelRead… Read more »

Beginners Guide to Government 2.0 — Some Suggestions from a Practitioner

from http://treadaway.typepad.com/notice/2009/02/beginners-guide-to-government-20.html I have talked before on a few occasions about how I think Government 2.0 will be a defining theme in our business over the next few years. It’s an inevitable change because the 2nd wave of the Web (notably social media, true collaboration, societal acceptance of user generated content, etc.) has taken hold.Read… Read more »

TSP Talk – Seeing some good signs, but too early to say

Good morning govloop! It’s your Monday morning TSP Talk. Stocks were off to the races on Friday and the market broke a 4-week losing streak last week as the S&P 500 gained over 5%. While the TSP funds are still all in the red for 2009, the Nasdaq poked its heading into positive territory. That’sRead… Read more »

Working in Government

Working in Government is different. I’ve spent 18 years in government one way or another and I can personally attest to the differences between government and private enterprise. Many are good, many are bad but it is different. Read the full post here -Stephen

Measuring Telework Productivity

Excellent (IMO) article from Federal Computer Week: http://fcw.com/Articles/2009/02/09/Lisagor-measuring-telework-performance.aspx Sweat pants and metrics * By Michael Lisagor * Feb 06, 2009 Measuring performance in a virtual workplace I’m wearing my grungy sweat pants and torn Oakland Raiders T-shirt as I write this column in my home office on Bainbridge Island, Wash., in the Puget Sound. MyRead… Read more »

GovLoop Member of the Week – Craig Newmark, Customer Service Rep and Founder, craigslist.org

His envelopes are addressed to Mr. Newmark, but the founder of the online classified list website is better known for his first name: Craig. When not busy with craigslist, or working with the Craigslist Foundation, a community-building platform, Craig is a member of GovLoop. Craig graciously agreed to be profiled as a GovLoop member ofRead… Read more »

Mark Drapeau tell them Goverati, I prefer WikiGov. What’s the best?

In a recent post at ReadWriteWeb.com, Mark Drapeau have a point: Tools as govloop are on the roots of the rise of Goverati. I’m not sure, but I think that this name is made by the contraction of Government and Technorati. And I thought that the first who study and put a name of thatRead… Read more »

Upset of the Year and Selected Saturday (February 7, 2009) NCAA Men’s Basketball Picks

Got David? We sure do here!! But first, the Hokie Guru’s new favorite guitarist… Paul Gilbert… get out of my yard… Paul Gilbert is amazing And so is Yngwie Malmsteen. The University of South Florida Bulls (David) just defeated the top team in Big East Conference, the Marquette University Golden Eagles (Goliath). The game summaryRead… Read more »

Keeping Your Local City Government Honest and Efficient – Case Study and Recommendations – By Lance Winslow

By Lance Winslow Many cities are in deep trouble during this economic downturn, but even if your city is not you should work to see that it remains streamlined and does not waste taxpayer’s money. In our local city we find it run very well, unfortunately with sales tax receipts down a bit, our cityRead… Read more »