Have You Heard About “Born Again American?”

I was just watching Bill Moyers on PBS and they played a song at the end of the episode called, “Born Again American” and mentioned a website. Here is the link: www.bornagainamerican.org This is from the homepage ~ “. . . I am my country’s keeper.” Are you inspired to become your country’s keeper andRead… Read more »

To blog or not – let’s try an experiment

Hello there! Thanks for reading my first-ever blog post on my own, as opposed to writing for EPA’s blog, Greenversations. I’m pretty active on Twitter @levyj413, talking about social media (aka Web 2.0) and esp. social media in gov’t, but I’ve never blogged in a normal-length format. I’m enthusiastically learning and exploring various social mediaRead… Read more »

Is Your Office “Green?”

Have you implemented green policies regarding office work (i.e. printing, paper usage, electricity usage, etc.) in your agency? What did you do? How did you accomplish it? How did it work? Are there any “lessons learned” that you can share? Did you “go small” and now wish that it was bigger or visa versa? HowRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Cabinet Nominees Discuss the Rank and File

While Senate confirmation hearings have focused mostly on major policy issues of concern, The Eye – with the assistance of washingtonpost.com’s Sarah Lovenheim and intern Ethan Klapper – also reviewed the hearing transcripts for comments about the federal workforce. Workplace and employee issues were not discussed at every confirmation hearing, but several nominees voiced theirRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Tips on Presidential Appointments

As observers and presidential transition veterans can attest, Inauguration Day marks an important and highly visible transfer of power, but does not signal the end of a transition. Some of the most important aspects of the transfer of power happen after Jan. 20 as the new administration fills hundreds of critical assistant and deputy secretaryRead… Read more »

Microsoft FutureFed: Is there another option for Obama when it comes to mobile e-mail?

There has been a fair amount of speculation around whether or not President-elect Obama will choose to (or even be able to) use a mobile device, as he’s accustomed to doing, once he takes the oath of office. As we saw during his campaign, traditional ways of getting things done will likely be challenged andRead… Read more »

Don’t Shut Down Car Wash Fundraiser in Your City – Keep them Responsible to NPDES Permits – By Lance Winslow

Car Wash Fundraisers need not be shut down for violations to the local NPDES permits and affluent waste wash-water runoff. Rather, local government officials should help the local non-profit groups comply with their local NPDES permits by offering suggestions to prevent pollution run-off. In this free eBook below; http://www.carwashguys.com/fundraisers/LAschools.html I offer suggestions and BMPs (bestRead… Read more »

IT Strategy

I’ve been noticing the great conversations people are having here about how to use IT in their agencies, and I added some thoughts of my own here, at FedBlog. An excerpt appears below, and I’m only sorry I wrote it before Marcus Peacock wrote his great posts on blogging as a place to solicit commentsRead… Read more »