2009 iGov Research Institute, University of Washington and Seattle,

Sharon Dawes informs me that doctoral students from all countries are invited to apply for this week-long, intensive residential program on the impact of information and communication technologies on government and governance. The iGov Research Institute is a program of the Center for Technology in Government at the University at Albany/SUNY and is supported byRead… Read more »

On Change and Using a Blog to Write a Rule

My mother was born two weeks before Lindbergh crossed the Atlantic. She has witnessed amazing changes in her life: the advent of air transportation, the proliferation of television, the near eradication of scourges like small pox and polio, men walking on the moon, the internet. Yet when I asked her how she felt about theseRead… Read more »

Using Social Networks to Tackle Government Budget Crises

Social networks have gained wide acceptance and praise for their use in political campaigns. It’s their use in actual government administration and public policy making environments where their absence is fueling new debate. As a solution for government-citizen communication, they can be a powerful forum for collaboration. Still, social networks remain a rarity, if atRead… Read more »

A lifetime of service

A local newspaper has published the inspiring story of Richard Fitzgerald, an employee of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts. His is truly a case of “you do what you can and you do what you have to.” Who is Arlington’s longest-working town employee? – Arlington, MA – The Arlington Advocate “Known as Fitzy to hisRead… Read more »

Microsoft FutureFed: Who will be the new Federal CTO?

The speculation is heating up about who President-elect Obama will choose for the nation’s first federal chief technology officer, particularly since it looks like one of the frontrunners – Julius Genachowski – has been nominated to be Obama’s FCC chairman. That leaves other close insiders as strong potential candidates for the post. Persons like VivekRead… Read more »

Keeping it Real, New York Style

When I announced I would be moving to New York City for graduate school, I received the predictable responses. “It’s so dangerous!” “You’ll get mugged!” “You’ll get shot!” And of course, “New Yorkers are so rude!” Once transplanted, it didn’t take me long to discover that New Yorkers are in fact, not rude. They’re simplyRead… Read more »

Creating a New Agency Web Site

I’m working on our new agency web-site. Actually I’ve been working on it for quite some time now – it’s a monster of a site with tons of content. Here’s my work in progress: http://djfs.co.seneca.oh.us/cmsmadesimple/. Nothing really Web 2.0 about it, we’re still focused on the Web 1.0 stuff. And, yes, this is a difficultRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: ‘Homeland Security USA’ Episode #2

Since posting last week’s assessment of the pilot episode of “Homeland Security USA,” The Eye heard from some Homeland Security officials urging him to watch the second episode, because the show would get better. (The Eye vows to watch each episode of at least the first season to provide his take on the show. StayRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Will Bamboo Shortage Impact Berry’s OPM Job?

The National Zoo is in urgent need of bamboo, reports The Post’s Michael Ruane and “zoo officials said they may not have enough to last the winter.” That’s not good news for the Zoo’s director, John Berry, who’s reportedly accepted Barack Obama’s offer to serve as director of the Office of Personnel Management. As TheRead… Read more »