Deep Thoughts on Sports and Other Topics from the Hokie Guru, GovLoop’s Bureaucrat on Sports

Happy New Year, GovLoopers… the Hokie Guru knows you’ve missed him!! 🙂 The Hokie Guru apologizes because he does not have time to preview every NCAA Men’s Division I Basketball Conference… he can only pick a few games here and there and will pick one later in this post. When March Madness begins, the HokieRead… Read more »

BK Rambles and Vents

OK, so i may not be a truly early adopter of this technology – however, for the new year i resolved to embrace it, use it, and encourage other government professionals to do the same. Not sure how much time i will have to keep things updated, but i am off to a good start.

They Walk Among Us

I don’t know how much time Mark Stelzner’s blog post about bad apples stayed on the front page here, but it wasn’t long enough. I like two things about it: it addresses the impact a single maladjusted individual can have on group performance, and it invites readers to take a look at how their ownRead… Read more »

Office of the DNI to be “Streamlined”?

The Associated Press just broke a story about Obama wanting Dennis Blair, as the new and not-yet-announced-or-confirmed DNI, to take on a more streamlined office — and focus exclusively on giving strong direction to the nation’s 16 intelligence agencies. While the source for this story was anonymous (which is often the case), so here’s theRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Other TV Stars for The Cabinet?

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a medical journalist for CNN and CBS News, has been offered the job of surgeon general, according to The Post’s Howard Kurtz. The Atlanta-based neurosurgeon, who has inspired a fan blog and has been known to eat fire, will trade air time with Anderson Cooper and Katie Couric for the job asRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Ask Your Government: Trimming The Federal Fat

A few weeks ago The Eye asked readers to submit questions via Google Moderator to help launch a new series called, “Ask Your Government.” Every week The Eye plans to answer a new reader-submitted question and will post the answers on Fridays. Google Moderator is a new interactive tool that allows users to submit questionsRead… Read more »