Are You The Bad Apple?

Very early in my career I was working on a team project that had fairly broad implications for my firm. There were seven of us in total and we typically convened via phone two to three times a week. We began with a quick roll call, and without fail you would hear this long, drawn-out,Read… Read more »

Economic Stimulus Package Updates

If your community is like ours, you have received very little information about the much publicized economic stimulus package currently under consideration by our legislators and President-elect Obama. For a small town, this is frustrating because if this does happen, the opportunity will be a once-in-a-lifetime deal. So we sit on the edge of ourRead… Read more »

Setting Up a Local Volunteer Water Conservation Plan – Pubic Relations Ideas – By Lance Winslow

By Lance Winslow Planning a water conservation public relations program to encourage voluntary reduction in water consumption is not easy. For too long humans in our civilization have taken water for granted, it’s time to wake-up and conserve. When presenting a plan to a municipality you need a good mission statement, but also important areRead… Read more »

Three Things to Do Before Complaining About Your Government – (Preaching to the choir here at GovLoop, but perhaps conversation will help hone my thoughts.) There is probably nothing that grates on my social conscience more than smart people who are anti-government. I don’t mean people who’ve got legitimate problems with politics and policy, but rather the “government can’t do anything right” andRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Lessons From Richardson’s Withdrawal

There’s plenty to learn from Gov. Bill Richardson’s (D-N.M.) decision to withdraw his name from consideration as the next secretary of commerce — both about how the nomination process works and about how his decision could impact the near-term operations of the Commerce Department. The governor apparently withdrew his name because “a grand jury inRead… Read more »

GovLoop Member of the Week – Mark Stelzner

Happy 2009! I’m with Mark Stelzner, the founder of Inflexion Advisors, Washington, D.C. My sincere thanks go to Mark for taking the time for this interview. Where are you from? I was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin but have spent time in California, Texas and Illinois throughout my adult life. I currently reside in Washington, DC.Read… Read more »

The Municipal Bond Market – A Fascinating Read – Really!

The other day someone I follow on Twitter, @ConstructionPM, posted a link to an article written about the state of the current Municipal Bond Market. Normally, I suppose this would make for a dry read. But this article resonated with me. Bonding is important to me as an engineer, because I can’t build anything ifRead… Read more »