Facebook (GovLoop, too) is for Everyone; Twitter is Not

from www.adrielhampton.com After using Facebook and Twitter at high volume for a few months, I’m ready to say it: one has universal appeal, the other most decidedly does not. I like both, but I have to take a strong position against folks who think everyone should be on Twitter. Everyone should not be on Twitter.Read… Read more »

Elephant migration (Or, the federal budget process and local government)

Those with antennae to the ground heard them coming months in advance. Drawing near, the thundering, trumpeting and pounding of the pachyderm feet was like a dry thunderstorm. All of us: ants, mice and small creatures of the forest scurried for cover and got into position for the passing. When the train was just abreast,Read… Read more »

Local Gov 2.0 the way it’s supposed to be

Those of us who work for local government who are here on govloop have spent some time talking about how we would like to see “Gov 2.0” used at the local government level. Well, here is a local government leader who is doing just what we asked! The police chief for Lincoln, Nebraska, has aRead… Read more »

Much government web content is written in “governmentese” instead of plain language, says a white paper of Federal Web Managers Council

Much government web content is written in “governmentese” instead of plain language, says a white paper* developed by the Federal Web Managers Council, comprised of Cabinet agency Web Directors. The paper suggests (i) Establish Web Communications as a core government business function, (ii) Help the public complete common government tasks efficiently, (iii) Clean up theRead… Read more »


This past month went by so fast, that I really hadn’t had the time to document everything on all my blogs & sites as much as I would like to… so, here’s the big news: I found myself in Supermodels Unlimited Magazine, in the “Most Beautiful Power Women” Issue!!!!! I’m in there right next toRead… Read more »

Leadership: not just Supervision

If someone were to ask, who are (y)our leaders, how would you respond? Most people would probably say the president, their supervisor or unit lead, the owner of the company they work for. But does a position of authority or superiority automatically imply leadership? No. Positions like these imply only supervision, not leadership. There’s aRead… Read more »

Happy Holidays from the Hokie Guru

Okay, GovLoopers… the Hokie Guru has had a great time blogging college football with you this year. The Hokie Guru’s next post will be after the Christmas holiday. The next posts will be previews of the major college basketball conferences and a few college football bowl game picks. Beginning Saturday, the Hokie Guru is goingRead… Read more »

Presentation notes – web 2.0 in the City

Here’s the outline of the 7-minute presentation I made today. Discussion was 1.5 hours. I hope it went well. Our website will tell the tale. Outline Website design/Networking meeting presentation Website Organization/design Brief history of the website. Reduced advertising by more than half – User paths/what’s popular. 1. Update website – paying attention to userRead… Read more »

About HUD.gov’s internship program

Does anyone have any insight on the next Student Career Experience Program (SCEP) at HUD’s New York’s regional office. I’ve been reaching out to HUD representatives, the NY regional office and USA.gov, but I CAN NOT get any information from them. Is there anyone in the inner circles of government who can assist me? IRead… Read more »