NIST on Modern Marvels!

The Modern Marvels: Measure It episode will air next week, Tuesday December 23rd at 8 pm ET. “How do you weigh a whale? We go to Shamu’s Tank at Sea World to find out. How does your speedometer work? Off to GM’s test track for the answer. We’ll look at the five most common areasRead… Read more »

When State servants use social media

Original post at Over the last 3 years we (in New Zealand, but also around the world) have seen a steady increase in the use of social media by State servants: –sanctioned government agency blogs, –State servants blogging about their organisations in their spare time, –State servants responding to blog posts, –State servants writingRead… Read more »

Obama Putting National Security and Foreign Policy on the Backburner?

President-elect Obama has certainly drawn plenty of comparisons to President Clinton. From bringing on former Clintonites like John D. Podesta and Rahm Emanuel, it seems that team Clinton will be back in office on January 20th. What is really interesting is that Obama is also being compared to Clinton when he first came into officeRead… Read more »

NIST Web 2.0 (Live) Working Group

“The NIST Information Coordinators Committee has established a Web 2.0 group with representation from across NIST to suggest and facilitate new ways that NIST’s Web site can create two-way communication with our stakeholders and to update our policies to explicitly provide guidance for using Web 2.0 technologies such as blogs, public comment functions for WebRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Satisfaction With Government Increases; Focus Is Efficiency

Americans’ satisfaction with the federal government has improved slightly from year to year, according to a new report by the American Customer Satisfaction Index, the government’s standard measure of consumer experience. The government’s overall score climbed 1.6 points to 68.9 on the ACSI’s 100-point scale, but the government still trails the private sector, which scoredRead… Read more »

Cost/Benefit Analysis Part 2 – Good Enough for Government Work

It’s a punchline right, “Good enough for government work?” Certainly not the attitude at your agency or mine, but “Good enough for government work” has something to teach us when evaluating IT alternatives. Benefit/Cost Ratio is calculated by dividing the total present value benefits by the total present value costs. Where costs exceed benefits, theRead… Read more »

Intelligence Officers at CIA Don’t Use the Internet?

Once again, the Sunday editorial section of the NY Times featured a number of articles about the intelligence community. Since it is a time of transition, much of the commentary is around mistakes made and failures. Art Brown, a 25-year veteran of the Central Intelligence Agency, and former head of the Asia division of theRead… Read more »