TSP Talk – Busy Week Ahead for the Market

Good morning govloop.com members. It’s our Monday morning market commentary from TSP Talk.com. Stocks opened up deep in the red on Friday, but once again the market reversed and closed modestly higher. Does that mean another Monday morning rally? Maybe, but we have a busy week on tap and I expect we will see someRead… Read more »

Low-hanging Fruit for Your Stimulus Basket

Ever since our city first became aware of the possibility of a federal stimulus package focusing on public works, we have been busy as bees finding “shovel-ready” projects to submit for funding. Because I realize efforts like ours are now going on all over the U.S., I thought it might be helpful to post someRead… Read more »

Bathroom. Convenience. Oubliette. Facility. Water Closet. Services. Powder Room. Little Boys’ and Girls’ Rooms.

How do people handle matters relating to the other end of the alimentary canal? For instance: What do they call that room in their language? (If there is one – in one place I visited, when I asked to use a restroom, two people got a sheet of corrugated metal and held it upright. Voilá!Read… Read more »

GovLoop’s Bureaucrat on Sports – Heisman Trophy Edition and Queen City Pick

Ho, Ho, Hokies!!! 🙂 Today, President Bush declared December 26, 2008 a federal holiday for most federal workers (with the exception of essential employees). You can see the text of his Executive Order right here. The Hokie Guru is all for President-Elect Obama continuing this tradition. More time to watch college football bowl games. Yep,Read… Read more »


I like being able to call in to meetings. I dislike it when the first half of a meeting consists of reliving the prior meeting for the benefit of people who missed it. I like the mute feature on my phone.

Brain Drain in the Intelligence Community?

Ed O’Keefe’s Federal Eye blog this morning had an enlightening post about how many of the leaders in the intelligence community are baby-boomers poised for retirement. In fact, there was a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing yesterday that highlighted these concerns. To be more precise, the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission putRead… Read more »