GovLoop’s Bureaucrat on Sports – AP Top 25 NCAA Football Bowl Subdivision – Rivalry Week (Week 14) Picks

Hope the Hokie Guru’s readers had a great Thanksgiving… we have a lot to be thankful for during this holiday season and the Hokie Guru encourages everyone to contribute to the Combined Federal Campaign (or the charity of your choice). Everytime the Hokie Guru thinks he has it rough at work, he remembers that heRead… Read more »

6 Lessons from the Obama campaign

Yesterday evening I went, with a number of Ontario Public Service colleagues, to a talk by Rahaf Harfoush. Rahaf was a member of U.S. President-Elect Barack Obama’s Presidential Campaign’s New Media Team and she was talking about “Applying Barack Obama’s Social Media Strategy to Your Brand’s Communications Needs”. Here is a summary of what sheRead… Read more »

The Personal Rapid Transit Revolution

As the world searches for an answer to reducing the use of fossil fuels, cities are starting to look to the personal rapid transit (PRT) system as a potential solution. Lately, MISTER, a Polish-based company, has gained increasing notice for their innovative PRT system. MISTER is an acronym for Metropolitan Individual System of Transportation onRead… Read more »

Great discussions happening here on management and governance!

It’s topical all over it seems. And the bane of my existence 😉 There are some great discussions happening on how to manage the web – what teams are there invovled, who does what, and why, and what works and what doesn’t. It’s one I’m keen on watching, so I’d like to see what othersRead… Read more »

An HR Style Thanksgiving

I’m one of those guys who is a very big fan of Thanksgiving dinner. I like to help with the menu, the shopping, the preparation and the presentation. I enjoy the noise of a football game in the background and sneak peeks at the TV for a quick cheer and scream. And once the tableRead… Read more »


My agency’s spam filters are pretty good. Now the only spam I get is high-concept; to wit: A proud look in the old man’s eyes as he said angel, courage! be comforted! Be patient! But other times, and restif such repose could be thus you? Poirot took both her hands in his. So, madame, howRead… Read more »

Deloitt Paradigm Model across four dimensions (Note to Adriel)

Great video Adriel, I was reading this Deloitt report addressing 2.0 and in it they make some great points. One thing that grabbed me is the table they provided showing a paradigm change: …the following section contrasts the difference between Government 1.0 and 2.0 across four dimensions: Operating Model Government 1.0 – Hierarchical, Rigid GovernmentRead… Read more »