Federal Eye: What Would You Do? Adapting YouTube, Facebook and MySpace to Governing

One of the first things The Eye learned as he began his new beat is that many federal workers have felt undervalued, under-appreciated and frustrated in recent years about the lack of innovation and creativity allowed in the workplace. “Front-line employees have a really good idea of how to do the work of the federalRead… Read more »

Presidential Transition Update from The Council for Excellence in Government

Following a lengthy Presidential campaign and the historic election of President-elect Barack Obama, all eyes are now on the Presidential Transition. Selecting a team of excellent appointees, getting them on the job or shortly after January 20, and preparing them to hit the ground running to address urgent challenges are Jobs One, Two and ThreeRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: The Eye Opener: Nov. 13, 2008

Great news! Wednesday was our first full day of existence and The Federal Eye quickly became one of washingtonpost.com’s well-read blogs. This makes The Eye, his editors and Almost Mrs. Eye (the fiancee) very happy. Keep it up! Now onto the news and events of the day… Read More Here >>>

Review Teams for Treasury, State, Defense Announced

We told you yesterday that the Obama-Biden transition team would announce the names of those leading the agency reviews, and they’ve just released the names of those leading such efforts at the departments of treasury, state and defense. What do you think? Do you know these people? Like them? Don’t like them? Leave your thoughtsRead… Read more »

Who Needs Fantasy Football?

This NYT cabinet-picker sounds like a lot more fun to me. There again, I also think administration is fun. This makes me maybe not the best judge of popular taste. I also thought cool ranch doritos were a horrible idea, but look how well they turned out. I liked “The American Embassy,” too.

Reputation, Lemons and Government

This is a mirror of some thoughts I posted at the Wikinomics site today. Given the GovLoop audience I’d love to get your thoughts on this topic – has it got legs? Interally? Externally to citizens? Share your thoughts! ——— We’re all familiar with the concrept of reputation and how in a world of socialRead… Read more »

YGL – Web 2.0 as an enabler in Federal Government

Web 2.0: What is it? Who’s using it? How to introduce it in your organization? What to expect from a new national administration in 2009? On October 22, 2008, these questions and more were answered at the Web 2.0 event sponsored by Young Government Leaders (YGL), in coordination with our partners at the National AcademyRead… Read more »

finished the review for Madison, Wisconsin

Madison, Wisconsin http://spiritofcitywebs.com/node/54 http://www.ci.madison.wi.us/ This site looks like it going though a lot of changes when you look at some pages the site navigation has drop down and other pages the same menu item is not a drop down.

Federal Eye: The Plum Book: Cool Jobs

After picking up his copy of the Plum Book just after 10 a.m., The Eye has decamped to an undisclosed location near the Government Printing Office to begin scouring for interesting tidbits. With more than 7,210 jobs listed, it’s quite a task. More than 4,000 of the positions were non-competitively filled by the Bush administrationRead… Read more »

Finished a review of Fort Collins, Colorado

Fort Collins, Colorado http://spiritofcitywebs.com/node/53 http://www.ci.fort-collins.co.us/ this has a good professional feel to the site. I had to hunt around for the mayor it took four or five clicks to find it. Yet I was able to find the broilerplate information really easier.